Five music learning disk sets from Trimbelle Software are available for the Macintosh
computer family. The five disks available are:
- Disk I: Fundamentals of Music
- Disk II: Intervals, Scales & Chords
- Disk III: Understanding Music
- Disk IV: The Well-Tempered Ear
- Disk Set V: The Music Train
- Any Macintosh computer with 1mg of RAM and Hypercard or Hypercard
Player (version 2x preferred). Superdrive for HD disks is preferred.
- Hard disk installation is required.
- MIDI keyboard is required for UNDERSTANDING MUSIC; optional for all
other disks.
- Immediate playback of all examples and responses. Students may choose
either internal digitized sounds or MIDI output.
- Intuitive, friendly user interface with clear, on-screen instructions
and a non-threatening environment that invites intensive, self-paced
individual study.
- Extensive data banks of randomized examples.
- STUDENT RECORDS feature stores student names and scores for all
quizzes and tutorials. Information can be sorted and printed out in
several ways.
Exercises in the basics of musicalknowledge, including:
- over 50 Musical Terms to identify.
- over 50 Common Musical Symbols to identify.
- Key Signature drill and practice in all major and minor keys (treble
clef only).
- Notespellers in four clefs with both keyboard and letter name
- Easy rhythmic dictation on three levels. The computer plays
rhythmic patterns that students notate on a staff icon.
- TEACHER'S CHOICE PROGRAMMING on this disk allows instructors to program
specific items for self-tests or examination purposes.
Music theory for the more advanced learner, containing:
TUTORIALS in the theory, construction, and notation of:
- -Intervals--all qualities and sizes from unisons to tenths;
- -Scales--Major, melodic and harmonic minors, plus church modes;
- -Chords--all types of triads and seventh chords in all inversions; and
EXERCISES in the notation of intervals, scales, and chords, based on
infor-mation contained in the tutorials with up to 7 levels of
difficulty for each topic. Password-protected record keeping, retesting
of missed items, visible running scores, and many other user-friendly
features are included. Dozens of examples in each level are presented
in random order.
Tutorials and exercises for students of music appreciation and musical
structure. All chapters begin with Tutorials that consist of reading
material on scrolling screen fields accompanied by aural examples.
These tutorials and the subsequent Listening exercises present dozens
of musical exerpts from the baroque period to the 20th century. Sudents
are guided in learning and identifying the concepts under study through
actual manipulation of "live" music played through a MIDI keyboard.
Chapter headings are:
- Musical Resources: instrument and voice classification,
configurations of standard musical ensembles.
- Rhythm: Recognizing duple and triple, simple and compound meters and
other kinds of rhythmic activity .
- Musical Texture: monophony, melody & accompaniment, homophony,
polyphony, and mixed textures with interactive tutorials and listening
- Harmony and Tonality: theory and principles of tonality and harmony;
aural recognition of major/minor, tonic/dominant, dissonant/consonant
and tonal/atonal harmonic passages.
- Melodic Structures: motives, phrases, periods, couplets, cadences;
identification of antecedent/consequent phrase structures, repetition,
contrast, variation, return.
- Musical Forms: study and analysis of standard forms, including:
- Song form (Stephen Foster, Jeannie w/the Lt Brn Hair)
- Rondo (Rameau, Tambourin)
- Variation (anon., La Folia)
- Binary forms (Bach, Menuet and Scarlatti Sonata in G)
- Fugue (Bach, Fugue in G Minor)
- Sonata-Allegro and other developmental forms (Beethoven, Piano
Sonata Op. 2 No. 1, 4 movs. complete)
- 12 bar Blues (Jelly Roll Morton, Honky Tonk Blues)
A unique feature of these programs is the opportunity for students to
explore the forms in detail and to 'create' their own structures. For
instance, by clicking any portion of a sonata-form "map", only that
section will be heard. In dealing with the smaller, sectional forms,
students are able arrange and rearrange the sections of a rondo,
variation, or binary form to gain a more intimate knowledge of how the
forms work through personal experimentation.
Studies in Ear Training.
All programs sound an example on command, then require students to
notate the example on a staff icon, after choosing note values and/or
accidentals as needed. Labels must also be supplied for intervals and
chords. Unlimited repetition of examples is allowed, and students may
also hear and see their own incorrect answers, to compare with the
correct versions.
- -Interval Dictation: 3 levels from diatonic intervals to chromatic,
diminished and augmented intervals. More than 120 examples are presented
- Chord Dictation: 11 levels and sub-levels from major and minor triads
to seventh chords in all inversions.
- Melodic Dictation: 7 levels, from 3- and 4-note arhythmic melodic
groups to syncopated, chromatic 4- to 8-bar phrases in complex meters.
- Rhythmic Dictation: 7 levels, from easy 4/4 quarter-eighth rhythms to
complex syncopations and dotted patterns in compound meters. Over 150
patterns are presented randomly.
Music theory and ear training for younger students.
A two-disk integrated set of programs adapted from Disks I, II, and III
especially for younger students of middle school or junior-high school
age. Study programs and tutorials have been repurposed with snappier
graphics and more gradually graded examples to provide a more elementary
approach to these areas. Competitive games involving up to three
students have been designed to provide a more entertaining and active
learning environment. There are thirteen complete programs with 39
level selections and hundreds of randomly-presented individual examples.
Contents of this set are:
Music Fundamentals: Musical terms, symbols, key signatures, and
note-spellers in three clefs.
Intervals: Tutorial and game in constructing common musical
Scales: Tutorial and exercises in notating major and minor scales
in treble clef.
Ear Training: Melodic phrases in arhythmic and rhythmic patterns,
along with games in recognizing and notating rhythm patterns.
The disks are pretty reasonably priced. A demo disk is available.
Order from your dealer, or from:
Trimbelle Music & Software
7157 County Rd. 133
Steedman, MO 65077
Trimbelle Software's Email address is: