Brent Hugh's Home Page
Music Instruction Software
Click here for a page on Music Instruction
software. This page has pointers to many public domain, freeware, and
shareware music instruction programs that are available on the net.
Music stuff
Employment Stuff
Comet Collision with Jupiter Stuff
Official Comet
Info at JPL, SEDS Comet
Info, and MSSS Viking
Image Archive
Cryptography Stuff
Cryptography, PGP, and Your Privacy
A Nifty WWW Game
(with a certain place where yours truly has put some nifty stuff in
room 4960)
Handy FTP Sites
The World-Wide
Web Virtual Library: Educational Technology (18-Aug-1994),
WUArchive Welcome directory, and
FreeBSD FTP Welcome directory
Religious Stuff
Religion Hypertext