Chill Factor (15 Jan 1996): 0%
(BTW, Elf has a tendency to see things in Black and White--so if you see some funny colors in Elf's version, you'll know why. You're just not looking at in the One And Only True And Correct Way. So put away that fancy-dancy 16 bajillion color monitor and look at this page the way God and Elf intended you to--in beautiful green monochrome.)
Just about any dolt you meet could have told you the first BIG problem with this so-called
"art"work--the THEME.
No self-respecting Christian artist or writer would concern himself with such
an innately distasteful and unmentionable subject as r***. Everybody knows that this is a subject that
JUST ISN'T MENTIONED IN POLITE COMPANY!!!!!! We don't mention it. We don't discuss it.
We don't deal with it. WE DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have we no MORALS??! Have we no SCRUPLES??!!! Have we NO
DECENCY to discuss such unmentionable topics IN PUBLIC and in front of HELPLESS
So, besides cleaning up the display of those items that Godly people such as myself never
view under any
circumstances (DISGUSTING FILTH of a sort that a Godly man never even contemplates),
most important of all I have given this formerly devilish
painting a good old-fashioned family-oriented theme that children of all ages can identify with.
Now it doesn't take a genius to see that REAL art comes straight from GOD while the FILTHY, DEVILISH,
BASTARDIZED version springs from the SPAWN OF SATAN. I'll let you and your conscience be the judge of which
is which. Or better yet, let MY conscience be the judge of which is which, and then you'll be
certain that you're right.
I want you to notice, too, how enthusiastic our loving little family is in their playful activities! Young children just love
to be tossed into the air over and over again, play with nice horseys, and lie on the ground playing dead
to fool their funny old Da-da!
It's so good to see that RIGHTEOUS, GODLY, DOWN-HOME CHRISTIAN FOLK can be just
as enthusiastic in embracing
CLEAN and WHOLESOME activities as the UNRIGHTEOUS and UNGODLY are when they are
and WICKEDNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Elf