Chill Factor (15 Jan 1996): 0%
(BTW, Elf has a tendency to see things in Black and White--so if you see some funny colors in Elf's version, you'll know why. You're just not looking at in the One And Only True And Correct Way. So put away that fancy-dancy 16 bajillion color monitor and look at this page the way God and Elf intended you to--in beautiful green monochrome.)
(The perverts among you may click on the image the inspect the indecency in greater detail. Elf wishes us to remind you that these clicks are recorded in a gigantic database down at the nearest FBI office, so be careful what you rub that mouse over . . . )
Now this is how art shoud be drawn! Not only have I added a heart-warming, family-oriented story to the picture, but they all just look so much warmer than they did before. And besides, the loose-fitting clothing nicely covers up our mother's unsightly little pot belly. I mean, clothes were put down here on earth for a reason! So let's use them the way God intended!!!! --Elf