Kansas City Bicycle Log

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Sunday, August 25, 2002
The more I think about it, I think giving some kind of presentation to city council members is a good idea. Politicians eat this sort of stuff up.

I'm very open to ideas about the specifics of it. We would need 13 of whatever it is we would give them. The best idea would be if someone would realize they had 13 extra bicycle trophies (or something) sitting in their basement that they could just give us to use with practically no cash outlay.

Or maybe one of you bike shop owners can think of something you could give us a nice discount on 13 of, and then some bike clubs or individuals could make a few small donations to cover the rest of the cost?

Or maybe KCBC or some other club has 13 T-Shirts they could donate to a good cause?

But in the meanwhile, here is a possible plan:

Get 13 yellow T-Shirts printed up

They would say "Kansas City Rolls Forward -- BikeKC 2002"

Possibly include KC logo if we can figure out how at reasonable cost

Possible to say something on the other side (like "One Less Car" or
"Share the Road"--I would love to see either of those on Ed Ford's back!),
but costs more

It might be possible to make the money back if some enterprising person or group (bike club or bike shop?) wanted to print up more of them & sell them at events over a period of time.

To make 13 of these at All Star Awards & TShirts would be $217.35 without logo or $243.23 with logo (estimate from All Star). That's $16.71 or $18.70 each. That's front side only.

To make 36 would be $421.59 (with logo, one side only); that's $11.71 each. If 23 people would pay $18.50 for their own shirt, that would buy their shirts plus the 13 needed for City Council.

Additional copies of the same shirt would be $8.10 each (although they would add 15% because it' a rush order).

These are just their regular stock cotton Ts, so not really ideal for riding.

What say ye?