Kansas City Bicycle Log

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Wednesday, November 20, 2002
These are my further comments in support of TEA-21 re-authorization. You can (and should!) submit your own comments at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/reauthorization/.

Incorporation of bicycles as a design vehicle.

In my opinion:

1. Bicycles should be be considered a design vehicle on every street and road, except these very few roads where they are specifically prohibited.

2. I support this statement from TEA21 but feel it should be further strengthened in TEA3:

"Bicycle facilities and pedestrian walkways shall be considered, where appropriate, in conjunction with all new construction and reconstruction of transportation facilities except where bicycle use and walking are not permitted."

My suggested improvement of this statement:

"Bicycle facilities and pedestrian walkways shall be considered in conjunction with all new construction and reconstruction of transportation facilities except where bicycle use and walking are not permitted. Needs of bicycle and pedestrian roadway users must be met in all new construction and reconstruction. This need not invariably include the addition of special extra facilities, but every roadway should include design features that promote better cooperation and compatibility between motor vehicle users and pedestrians and cyclists."

3. ISTEA and TEA-21 include requirements for government bodies receiving TEA-21 funds to appoint bicycle/pedestrian coordinators. However, many states, counties, and cities do not have such coordinators in place. When Bike/Ped coordinator positions go vacant, government bodies have not been aggressive in filling them.

The requirement for Bike/Ped Coordinators at every level should be strengthened, and stronger encouragement given to government bodies to fill these positions and keep them filled.

Dr. Brent Hugh
Missouri Western State College