TWC Operation Jubilee Campaign Server (English Channel) TEAM Stats

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TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 0853 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 00:28:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 1.0 total Kill Points; 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (54 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,391 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 0839 hours Red destroyed Littlehampton Radar
Pilots who contributed: RS_Odyssey

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 0921 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 00:56:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 5.0 total Kill Points; 5.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (54 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,390 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 0949 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 01:24:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 6.8 total Kill Points; 6.8/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (54 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,390 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1017 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 01:52:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 11.7 total Kill Points; 11.7/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (54 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,390 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1045 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 02:20:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 12.7 total Kill Points; 12.7/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (54 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,390 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1113 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 02:48:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.2 total Kill Points; 0.2/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 12.7 total Kill Points; 12.7/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (54 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,390 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1141 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 03:16:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 18.4 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/17.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 192 kg on targets
RED session totals: 12.7 total Kill Points; 12.7/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (55 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,392 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1126 hours Blue destroyed Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex
Pilots who contributed: EG14_Ter, AKA_Blasto

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1209 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 03:44:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 54.5 total Kill Points; 2.1/0.0/0.0/52.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
8 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 336 kg on targets
RED session totals: 12.7 total Kill Points; 12.7/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (61 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,402 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1154 hours Blue destroyed Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto
Pilots who scouted this objective: AKA_Blasto
On 11 June 1942, 1155 hours Blue destroyed Deal Military Railyard
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto
Pilots who scouted this objective: AKA_Blasto

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1237 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 04:12:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 132.6 total Kill Points; 3.1/0.0/0.0/129.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
11 bombs dropped, 90.9% hit targets, 432 kg on targets
RED session totals: 12.7 total Kill Points; 12.7/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (61 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,402 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1236 hours Blue destroyed Manston aircraft
Pilots who contributed: MK, AKA_Blasto
Pilots who scouted this objective: MK, AKA_Blasto

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1305 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 04:40:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 132.6 total Kill Points; 3.1/0.0/0.0/129.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
11 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 432 kg on targets
RED session totals: 12.7 total Kill Points; 12.7/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (64 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,412 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1333 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 05:08:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 204.2 total Kill Points; 4.1/5.0/0.0/195.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
47 bombs dropped, 95.7% hit targets, 1,392 kg on targets
RED session totals: 12.7 total Kill Points; 12.7/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (67 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft - Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,421 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1325 hours Blue destroyed Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1401 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 05:36:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 316.5 total Kill Points; 4.1/92.5/0.0/307.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
79 bombs dropped, 93.7% hit targets, 2,592 kg on targets
RED session totals: 12.7 total Kill Points; 12.7/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (84 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft - Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Hawkinge Airfield

Red Objectives complete (308 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,450 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1343 hours Blue destroyed Dungeness Radar AA #2
Pilots who contributed: leon1, SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
Pilots who scouted this objective: leon1, SirMaverick
On 11 June 1942, 1343 hours Blue destroyed Dungeness Radar AA #3
Pilots who contributed: leon1, SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
Pilots who scouted this objective: leon1, SirMaverick
On 11 June 1942, 1348 hours Blue destroyed Hawkinge Airfield
Pilots who contributed: SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
Pilots who scouted this objective: SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1429 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 06:04:31 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 398.2 total Kill Points; 4.1/106.0/0.0/388.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
151 bombs dropped, 92.1% hit targets, 7,162 kg on targets
RED session totals: 42.7 total Kill Points; 12.7/0.0/0.0/30.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (95 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft - Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Hawkinge Airfield - Dover Radar AA #3 - Staple Reserve Radar

Red Objectives complete (314 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,460 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1403 hours Blue destroyed Dover Radar AA #3
Pilots who contributed: Ranger 01, SirMaverick, AKA_Blasto
Pilots who scouted this objective: Ranger 01, SirMaverick
On 11 June 1942, 1415 hours Blue destroyed Staple Reserve Radar
Pilots who contributed: SirMaverick
Pilots who scouted this objective: SirMaverick

RED objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1403 hours Red destroyed Dover Ammo Dump
Pilots who contributed: Garrapata, dog, Loose_Cannon, FlyBy, AKA_Blasto
Pilots who scouted this objective: dog, FlyBy, AKA_Blasto (2X)
On 11 June 1942, 1403 hours Red destroyed Dover Navy HQ
Pilots who contributed: dog, TWC_Bikerjack, Loose_Cannon, FlyBy, AKA_Blasto
Pilots who scouted this objective: dog, FlyBy, AKA_Blasto (2X)

FINAL TEAM TOTALS for mission ending at 11 June 1942, 1440 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 06:15:52 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 399.3 total Kill Points; 5.2/106.0/0.0/388.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
151 bombs dropped, 92.1% hit targets, 7,162 kg on targets
RED session totals: 42.7 total Kill Points; 12.7/0.0/0.0/30.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (95 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft - Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Hawkinge Airfield - Dover Radar AA #3 - Staple Reserve Radar

Red Objectives complete (314 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,460 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
R 00 01 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 jamesashleymusic
R 00 01 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 jimi7
B 00 00 001.00 00 01.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 Lt.HeinzMau5
B 00 01 002.12 00 02.12/00.00/00.00/00.00 Mystico
B 00 00 002.50 00 00.00/02.50/00.00/02.50 Ranger 01
R 00 00 002.93 00 02.93/00.00/00.00/00.00 Dawson
R 00 00 005.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/05.00 FlyBy
R 00 00 009.80 00 09.80/00.00/00.00/00.00 LittleBill
R 00 00 010.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/10.00 dog
B 00 00 015.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/15.00 MK
B 00 00 017.50 00 00.00/17.50/00.00/17.50 leon1
B 00 00 046.42 00 00.10/17.50/00.00/46.32 4,015kg Fyl_maStiefel
B 00 00 060.39 43 00.00/15.00/00.00/55.39 4,453kg SirMaverick
B 00 00 125.60 00 01.96/03.50/00.00/122.64 1,104kg AKA_Blasto

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:13:22Z
BlenheimMkIVF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:13:22Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:15:39Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:15:49Z
SpitfireMkIIb LittleBill 2023-01-12 00:21:16Z
SpitfireMkVbLate TWC_Ace 2023-01-12 00:30:23Z
SpitfireMkIIb LittleBill 2023-01-12 00:39:20Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:40:21Z
SpitfireMkIIb LittleBill 2023-01-12 00:54:01Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:08:09Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:10:18Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:11:56Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:11:57Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:13:22Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:13:22Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:13:22Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:13:22Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:13:22Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:13:22Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:13:22Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:13:22Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:13:22Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:13:22Z
BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:20:02Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:39:36Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:39:36Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:39:37Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:41:03Z
BeaufighterMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:47:05Z
BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:50:22Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:53:41Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:53:42Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:53:42Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:53:43Z
BlenheimMkIVF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:58:42Z
BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:58:42Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:02:13Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:03:03Z
HurricaneMkIId jimi7 2023-01-12 02:04:08Z
HurricaneMkI FB (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:07:48Z
HurricaneMkI FB (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:08:34Z
HurricaneMkI FB (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:08:52Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:20:03Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:20:03Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:20:04Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:23:28Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:23:58Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:25:14Z
BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:27:49Z
BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:29:07Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:35:52Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:40:56Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:49:19Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:49:49Z
BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 02:59:56Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:04:36Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:05:22Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:07:34Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:09:25Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:09:55Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:33:37Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:35:50Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:36:20Z
BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:38:43Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:41:32Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:42:52Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:44:37Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:44:37Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:44:37Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:44:37Z
HurricaneMkI FB (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:48:48Z
BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:50:03Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:57:37Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:57:38Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:04:25Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:06:40Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:31:52Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:31:56Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:32:25Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:32:53Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:37:54Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:38:24Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:48:31Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:51:50Z
HurricaneMkI FB (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:53:42Z
HurricaneMkI FB (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:53:49Z
HurricaneMkI FB (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:54:43Z
HurricaneMkI FB (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:54:57Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:25Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:57:58Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:14:54Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:15:04Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:20:50Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:24:15Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:46:11Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:46:19Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 05:48:38Z
BeaufighterMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:09:26Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:11:42Z
SpitfireMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:13:07Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:26:26Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:26:26Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:26:26Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:26:26Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:26:26Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:26:26Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:26:26Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:26:26Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:28:19Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:30:21Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:35:29Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:44:24Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:44:46Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:46:58Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:49:57Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:55:17Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:57:25Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:57:25Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:57:25Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:57:25Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:57:25Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:57:25Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:57:25Z
Bf-109E-4 Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 00:57:25Z
G50 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:02:13Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:02:42Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:03:12Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:03:47Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:05:23Z
Ju-88A-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:05:23Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:25:53Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:31:14Z
Ju-88A-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:45:12Z
Ju-88A-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:46:05Z
Ju-88A-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:46:49Z
Bf-110C-6 Mystico 2023-01-12 01:47:15Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:51:35Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:53:30Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:53:55Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 01:59:32Z
Bf-109E-7N AKA_Blasto 2023-01-12 03:15:55Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:21:01Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:21:30Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:28:24Z
Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:36:27Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:36:44Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:40:54Z
Bf-109E-7N AKA_Blasto 2023-01-12 03:41:15Z
Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:43:28Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 03:58:10Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:13:22Z
Bf-109F-4 manuel.galan1911 2023-01-12 04:25:49Z
G50 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:46:46Z
G50 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 04:46:53Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 05:08:43Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 05:08:43Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 05:08:45Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 05:26:36Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 05:26:38Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 05:26:38Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 05:26:38Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 05:26:39Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 05:40:48Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 05:40:48Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 05:40:49Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 05:40:49Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 05:40:49Z

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 0624 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 06:32:47 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (95 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft - Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Hawkinge Airfield - Dover Radar AA #3 - Staple Reserve Radar

Red Objectives complete (319 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,455 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 0612 hours Red destroyed Eastbourne Radar
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Snapper

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 0652 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 07:00:47 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 19.1 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/19.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
64 bombs dropped, 40.6% hit targets, 1,898 kg on targets
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (95 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft - Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Hawkinge Airfield - Dover Radar AA #3 - Staple Reserve Radar

Red Objectives complete (319 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,456 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 0720 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 07:28:47 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 126.9 total Kill Points; 0.0/1.0/0.0/125.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
94 bombs dropped, 84.0% hit targets, 3,258 kg on targets
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (177 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft - Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Hawkinge Airfield - Dover Radar AA #3 - Staple Reserve Radar - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Liquid Oxygen Storage Portsmouth - Portsmouth Torpedo Facility - Depth Charge Workshop Portsmouth - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Diesel Storage Portsmouth - Main Fuel Portsmouth - Lee_on_Solent Airfield - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Portsmouth Airfield - Portsmouth Small Military Manufacturing Area SW

Red Objectives complete (319 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,550 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 0655 hours Blue destroyed Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0655 hours Blue destroyed Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
Red pilots who repaired this objective: Heggers (7 loads)
On 11 June 1942, 0655 hours Blue destroyed Liquid Oxygen Storage Portsmouth
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0655 hours Blue destroyed Portsmouth Torpedo Facility
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0655 hours Blue destroyed Depth Charge Workshop Portsmouth
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0655 hours Blue destroyed Propeller Repair Portsmouth
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0656 hours Blue destroyed Diesel Storage Portsmouth
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0656 hours Blue destroyed Main Fuel Portsmouth
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
Red pilots who repaired this objective: ATAG_Marlow (6 loads)
On 11 June 1942, 0657 hours Blue destroyed Lee_on_Solent Airfield
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
Pilots who scouted this objective: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0702 hours Blue destroyed Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0702 hours Blue destroyed Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
Red pilots who repaired this objective: Heggers (6 loads)
On 11 June 1942, 0702 hours Blue destroyed Portsmouth Airfield
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
Pilots who scouted this objective: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0703 hours Blue destroyed Portsmouth Small Military Manufacturing Area SW
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 0748 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 07:56:48 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 139.6 total Kill Points; 0.0/3.0/0.0/136.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
96 bombs dropped, 84.4% hit targets, 3,758 kg on targets
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (185 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft - Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Hawkinge Airfield - Dover Radar AA #3 - Staple Reserve Radar - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Liquid Oxygen Storage Portsmouth - Portsmouth Torpedo Facility - Depth Charge Workshop Portsmouth - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Diesel Storage Portsmouth - Main Fuel Portsmouth - Lee_on_Solent Airfield - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Portsmouth Airfield - Portsmouth Small Military Manufacturing Area SW - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Kerosene Storage @ Beckton

Red Objectives complete (319 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,559 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 0745 hours Blue destroyed High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0745 hours Blue destroyed Kerosene Storage @ Beckton
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 0816 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 08:24:48 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 216.7 total Kill Points; 0.3/3.0/0.0/213.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
118 bombs dropped, 87.3% hit targets, 5,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (201 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft - Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Hawkinge Airfield - Dover Radar AA #3 - Staple Reserve Radar - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Liquid Oxygen Storage Portsmouth - Portsmouth Torpedo Facility - Depth Charge Workshop Portsmouth - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Diesel Storage Portsmouth - Main Fuel Portsmouth - Lee_on_Solent Airfield - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Portsmouth Airfield - Portsmouth Small Military Manufacturing Area SW - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Kerosene Storage @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks

Red Objectives complete (319 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,581 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 0748 hours Blue destroyed 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0748 hours Blue destroyed Peroxide Storage @ Beckton
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0749 hours Blue destroyed Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0750 hours Blue destroyed Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 0844 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 08:52:48 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 314.0 total Kill Points; 4.3/3.0/0.0/306.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
150 bombs dropped, 86.0% hit targets, 5,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (206 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft - Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Hawkinge Airfield - Dover Radar AA #3 - Staple Reserve Radar - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Liquid Oxygen Storage Portsmouth - Portsmouth Torpedo Facility - Depth Charge Workshop Portsmouth - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Diesel Storage Portsmouth - Main Fuel Portsmouth - Lee_on_Solent Airfield - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Portsmouth Airfield - Portsmouth Small Military Manufacturing Area SW - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Kerosene Storage @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Westgate Radar

Red Objectives complete (319 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,596 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 0818 hours Blue destroyed Westgate Radar
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
Pilots who scouted this objective: AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick

TEAM TOTALS for TEAM VICTORY at 11 June 1942, 0847 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 08:56:27 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 394.8 total Kill Points; 4.3/3.0/0.0/387.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
150 bombs dropped, 86.0% hit targets, 5,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (211 points): - Radar Communications HQ - Dover Radar AA #1 - Manston Airfield - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Stelling Minis Radar Center - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Reading Engine Workshop - Dover Radar AA #2 - Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station - Deal Military Railyard - Manston aircraft - Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Hawkinge Airfield - Dover Radar AA #3 - Staple Reserve Radar - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Liquid Oxygen Storage Portsmouth - Portsmouth Torpedo Facility - Depth Charge Workshop Portsmouth - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Diesel Storage Portsmouth - Main Fuel Portsmouth - Lee_on_Solent Airfield - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Portsmouth Airfield - Portsmouth Small Military Manufacturing Area SW - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Kerosene Storage @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Westgate Radar - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00

Red Objectives complete (319 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +21,273 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.


BLUE players who contributed to this historic victory by scouting high priority areas identified by HQ:
- Westgate Radar: AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick
- Staple Reserve Radar: SirMaverick
- Stelling Minis Radar Center: Ranger 01, AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick
- Dover Radar AA #1: SirMaverick
- Dover Radar AA #2: SirMaverick
- Dover Radar AA #3: Ranger 01, SirMaverick
- Dungeness Radar AA #1: leon1, SirMaverick
- Dungeness Radar AA #2: leon1, SirMaverick
- Dungeness Radar AA #3: leon1, SirMaverick
- Deal Military Railyard: AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick
- Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station: AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick
- Manston aircraft: MK, AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick
- Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex: SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
- Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture: AKA_Blasto
- RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00: AKA_Blasto, ATAG_Noofy
- Hawkinge Airfield: SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
- Manston Airfield: MK, AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick
- Lee_on_Solent Airfield: ATAG_Noofy
- Portsmouth Airfield: ATAG_Noofy

7 players contributed to scouting objectives that contributed to this victory.

BLUE players who contributed to this historic victory by assisting in the destruction of the objectives identified by HQ:
- Westgate Radar: AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
- Radar Communications HQ: ATAG_Noofy
- Staple Reserve Radar: SirMaverick
- Sandwich Radar: SirMaverick
- Stelling Minis Radar Center: Ranger 01, AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick
- Dover Radar AA #1: SirMaverick
- Dover Radar AA #2: SirMaverick
- Dover Radar AA #3: Ranger 01, SirMaverick, AKA_Blasto
- Sandwich Radar AA #1: SirMaverick
- Sandwich Radar AA #2: SirMaverick
- Sandwich Radar AA #3: SirMaverick
- Dungeness Radar AA #1: leon1, RaY, SirMaverick
- Dungeness Radar AA #2: leon1, SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
- Dungeness Radar AA #3: leon1, SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
- Deal Military Railyard: AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick
- Deal Military Fuel Transfer Station: AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick
- Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft: Ranger 01, leon1, SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
- Manston aircraft: MK, AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick
- Diesel Fuel London South Docks: ATAG_Noofy
- Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks: ATAG_Noofy
- Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks: ATAG_Noofy
- Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton: ATAG_Noofy
- Kerosene Storage @ Beckton: ATAG_Noofy
- High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton: ATAG_Noofy
- 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton: ATAG_Noofy
- Peroxide Storage @ Beckton: ATAG_Noofy
- Propeller Repair Portsmouth: ATAG_Noofy
- Diesel Storage Portsmouth: ATAG_Noofy
- Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth: ATAG_Noofy
- Main Fuel Portsmouth: ATAG_Noofy
- Depth Charge Workshop Portsmouth: ATAG_Noofy
- Liquid Oxygen Storage Portsmouth: ATAG_Noofy
- Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth: ATAG_Noofy
- Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage: ATAG_Noofy
- Portsmouth Torpedo Facility: ATAG_Noofy
- Littlestone Research Facility: Ranger 01, leon1, SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
- Brighton Army Recruitment Station: leon1
- Tenterden Chemical Manufacture: leon1
- Minster Synthetic Case Oil Manufacture: AKA_Blasto
- Portsmouth Small Military Manufacturing Area SW: ATAG_Noofy
- Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE: ATAG_Noofy
- Kent Mobile Armour: SirMaverick
- Kent Large Mobile Armour: SirMaverick
- Canterbury-Manston Large Mobile Armour: SirMaverick
- Canterbury Mobile Secret Resistance Training Center: SirMaverick
- Army Officers Motorcade: leon1, SirMaverick
- RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00: AKA_Blasto, ATAG_Noofy
- RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AB04: leon1, SirMaverick
- RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AD12: SirMaverick
- RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AE16: SirMaverick
- RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AH28: SirMaverick
- RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AO56: SirMaverick
- Hawkinge Airfield: SirMaverick, Fyl_maStiefel
- Manston Airfield: Ranger 01, MK, FatCat, Starik, EG14_Ter, AKA_Blasto, SirMaverick
- Canterbury Airfield: Ranger 01, SirMaverick
- Eastchurch Airfield: Fyl_maStiefel
- Wilmington Airfield: leon1
- Lee_on_Solent Airfield: ATAG_Noofy
- Portsmouth Airfield: ATAG_Noofy

11 players contributed to destroying objectives that contributed to this victory.

BLUE players who contributed to this historic victory by helping to repair their military assets:
- Oye-Plage Airfield: ATAG_Noofy (17 times)

1 players contributed to repairing objectives, contributing to this victory.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
B 00 00 000.68 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.68 ATAG_Marlow
B 00 00 001.48 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/01.48 Heggers
B 00 02 018.87 00 04.07/02.00/00.00/12.80 3,336kg SirMaverick
B 00 00 030.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/30.00 AKA_Blasto
B 00 00 049.14 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/49.14 3,796kg Fyl_maStiefel
B 00 00 162.46 00 00.20/01.00/00.00/161.26 3,142kg ATAG_Noofy

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:19:56Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:20:06Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:29:31Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:31:30Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:33:29Z
BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:40:28Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:47:10Z
BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:47:46Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:56:35Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:59:47Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:10:21Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:11:52Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:14:33Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:16:19Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:24:01Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:31:59Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:33:03Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:33:11Z
GladiatorMkII (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:46:40Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:47:32Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:47:32Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:48:02Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:59:01Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:59:44Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:59:44Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:01:48Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:15:27Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:15:37Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:19:18Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:22:29Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:23:22Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:25:29Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:27:19Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:28:12Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:29:12Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:34:57Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:34:59Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:41:40Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:43:55Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:43:55Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:43:55Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:43:55Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:43:55Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:43:55Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:44:24Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:44:24Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:44:24Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:46:34Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:47:14Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:47:27Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:47:27Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:47:27Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:47:28Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:48:29Z
BeaufighterMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:49:32Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:54:19Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:55:49Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
He-111P-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:17:36Z
G50 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:17:36Z
Ju-88A-5Late Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 06:28:00Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:33:02Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 06:34:01Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:36:41Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:37:59Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:38:21Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:40:16Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:02Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:02Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 06:48:10Z
Ju-88A-5Late ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 06:51:52Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:12:23Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:13:40Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:13:53Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:15:09Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:17:35Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:21:17Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:21:23Z
Ju-88A-5Late ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:11Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:24Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:24Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:25Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:25Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:25Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:25Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:26Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:26Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:26Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:26Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:26Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:26Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:27:45Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Bf-110C-4B SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Bf-110C-4B SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Ju-88C-1 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:09Z
Ju-88C-1 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:09Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:41:28Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:45:59Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:47:41Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:01:31Z
Ju-88A-5Late Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:06:54Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:17Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:17Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:17Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:17Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:18Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:18Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:18Z
Ju-88A-5Late Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:07:57Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:14Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:12:02Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:22:39Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:57Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:57Z
Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:47:02Z
Ju-88A-1 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:08Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 0910 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 09:18:48 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 427.3 total Kill Points; 5.4/3.0/0.0/419.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
184 bombs dropped, 85.3% hit targets, 6,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (28 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield

Red Objectives complete (319 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +21,024 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 0847 hours Blue destroyed RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, ATAG_Noofy
Pilots who scouted this objective: AKA_Blasto, ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0847 hours Blue destroyed RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0849 hours Blue destroyed Westgate Radar
On 11 June 1942, 0853 hours Blue destroyed Canterbury Airfield
Pilots who contributed: ATAG_Noofy
Pilots who scouted this objective: ATAG_Noofy
On 11 June 1942, 0908 hours Blue destroyed Eastchurch Airfield
Pilots who contributed: Fyl_maStiefel

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 0938 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 09:46:48 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 428.3 total Kill Points; 5.4/3.0/0.0/420.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
184 bombs dropped, 85.3% hit targets, 6,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (28 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield

Red Objectives complete (319 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +21,023 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1006 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 10:14:48 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 428.3 total Kill Points; 5.4/3.0/0.0/420.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
184 bombs dropped, 85.3% hit targets, 6,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 2.4 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/1.0/1.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
6 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 283 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (28 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield

Red Objectives complete (319 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +21,023 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1034 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 10:42:48 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 428.4 total Kill Points; 5.5/3.0/0.0/420.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
184 bombs dropped, 85.3% hit targets, 6,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 3.5 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/1.0/2.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
9 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 726 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (319 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +21,027 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1032 hours Blue destroyed Brighton Army Recruitment Station

TEAM TOTALS for TEAM VICTORY at 11 June 1942, 1045 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 10:54:56 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 428.4 total Kill Points; 5.5/3.0/0.0/420.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
184 bombs dropped, 85.3% hit targets, 6,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 75.3 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/62.0/73.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
9 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 726 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (327 points): - Colembert Airfield - Dover Local Radar - St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield - Marquise_West Airfield - Dover Navy HQ - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Torpedo Factory - Calais UBoot Repair - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dover Ammo Dump - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Samer Airfield - Eastbourne Radar - Peuplingues Airfield - Boulogne Army HQ - Saint_Inglevert Airfield - Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2) - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Audembert Airfield - Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Dover Navy Docks Area - Oye Plage Radar AA #1 - Eastbourne Radar - Calais LOX - Littlehampton Radar - Ventnor Radar - Gourney-en-Bray Oil Field - Oye-Plage Airfield - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Brighton Gasoline Storage - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2)

Blue stands at +20,583 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.


RED players who contributed to this historic victory by scouting high priority areas identified by HQ:
- Dover Local Radar: dog, FlyBy, Ranger 01, AKA_Blasto
- Oye Plage Radar AA #1: TWC_BlacKnight, Hans
- Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage: Hans, TWC_BlacKnight
- Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais: Hans, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight, TWC_Fast
- Calais LOX: Hans, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight, TWC_Fast
- Calais Torpedo Factory: Hans, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight, TWC_Fast
- Calais Diesel Storage: Hans, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight, TWC_Fast
- Calais Nitroglycerin Storage: Hans, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight, TWC_Fast
- Calais SS Headquarters: Hans, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight, TWC_Fast
- Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility: Hans, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight, TWC_Fast
- Boulogne Army HQ: Crashnik, ATAG_Jackmaxx, TWC_BlacKnight
- Marquise Flugbenzindeponie: Hans, ATAG_Snarglepuss, TWC_BlacKnight
- Calais UBoot Repair: Hans, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight, TWC_Fast
- Calais Jackboot Storage: Hans, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight, TWC_Fast
- Dover Navy HQ: dog, FlyBy, AKA_Blasto
- Dover Ammo Dump: dog, FlyBy, AKA_Blasto
- Dover Navy Operations Fuel: dog, FlyBy, AKA_Blasto
- Dover Navy Docks Area: dog, TWC_Flug, FlyBy, AKA_Blasto
- Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area: TWC_Birdtail, TWC_BlacKnight
- Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area: Hans, Crashnik, ATAG_Jackmaxx, TWC_BlacKnight
- Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area: ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight
- Diksmuide Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area: TWC_BlacKnight
- Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area: Hans, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight, TWC_Fast
- Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area: Crashnik, ATAG_Jackmaxx, TWC_BlacKnight, Garrapata
- Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area: Hans, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_BlacKnight, TWC_Fast
- GenMaj Theo Osterkamp & Staff Motorcade: Hans, FlyBy, TWC_BlacKnight
- South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2): TWC_BlacKnight, dog
- South Channel Transport Ship See-225: TWC_BlacKnight, dog
- Channel Transport Ships SF-542 (sink 2): dog, Brunov
- Audembert Airfield: Hans, TWC_BlacKnight
- Boulogne_Alprech Airfield: Hans, TWC_BlacKnight
- Colembert Airfield: TWC_Anonymous, Hans, TWC_BlacKnight
- Marquise_West Airfield: Hans, TWC_BlacKnight
- Oye-Plage Airfield: TWC_BlacKnight, Hans
- Saint_Inglevert Airfield: Hans, TWC_BlacKnight
- Peuplingues Airfield: Hans, TWC_BlacKnight
- St-Omer-Clairmarais Airfield: TWC_BlacKnight
- Samer Airfield: Hans, TWC_BlacKnight

16 players contributed to scouting objectives that contributed to this victory.

RED players who contributed to this historic victory by assisting in the destruction of the objectives identified by HQ:
- Brighton Gasoline Storage: locowil
- Dover Navy HQ: dog, TWC_Bikerjack, Loose_Cannon, FlyBy, AKA_Blasto
- Dover Ammo Dump: Garrapata, dog, Loose_Cannon, FlyBy, AKA_Blasto
- South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2): TWC_BlacKnight, dog

8 players contributed to destroying objectives that contributed to this victory.

RED players who contributed to this historic victory by helping to repair their military assets:
- Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth: Heggers (7 times)
- Main Fuel Portsmouth: ATAG_Marlow (6 times)
- Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth: Heggers (6 times)
- Manston Airfield: TWC_Anonymous (13 times)
- Gravesend Airfield: TWC_Anonymous (19 times)

3 players contributed to repairing objectives, contributing to this victory.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
B 00 00 000.68 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.68 ATAG_Marlow
B 00 00 001.48 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/01.48 Heggers
R 00 01 003.45 00 00.00/00.00/01.00/02.45 940kg TWC_Anonymous
R 00 00 005.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/05.00 locowil
00 00 007.50 00 00.00/00.00/07.50/07.50 dog
B 00 02 019.87 00 05.07/02.00/00.00/12.80 3,336kg SirMaverick
B 00 00 030.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/30.00 AKA_Blasto
R 00 00 031.85 00 00.00/00.00/31.00/30.85 TWC_BlacKnight
B 00 00 062.94 00 00.10/00.00/00.00/62.84 5,694kg Fyl_maStiefel
B 00 01 173.79 00 00.30/01.00/00.00/172.49 4,000kg ATAG_Noofy

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:19:56Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:20:06Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:29:31Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:31:30Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:33:29Z
BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:40:28Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:47:10Z
BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:47:46Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:56:35Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:59:47Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:10:21Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:11:52Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:14:33Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:16:19Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:24:01Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:31:59Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:33:03Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:33:11Z
GladiatorMkII (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:46:40Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:47:32Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:47:32Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:48:02Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:59:01Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:59:44Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:59:44Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:01:48Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:15:27Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:15:37Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:19:18Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:22:29Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:23:22Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:25:29Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:27:19Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:28:12Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:29:12Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:34:57Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:34:59Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:37:16Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:41:40Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:44:24Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:44:24Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:44:24Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:46:34Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:47:14Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:47:28Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:48:29Z
BeaufighterMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:49:32Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:54:19Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:55:49Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:56:31Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:57:00Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 09:00:35Z
BlenheimMkIVNF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 09:06:50Z
BlenheimMkIVNF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 09:07:04Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 09:54:39Z
BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 09:59:02Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:16:43Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:16:43Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:16:43Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:16:43Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:16:43Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:16:43Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:17:01Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:17:01Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:17:01Z
BlenheimMkIV Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:25:04Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:36:26Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:46:33Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:27Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:27Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:27Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
He-111P-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:17:36Z
G50 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:17:36Z
Ju-88A-5Late Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 06:28:00Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:33:02Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 06:34:01Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:36:41Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:37:59Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:38:21Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:40:16Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:02Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 06:48:10Z
Ju-88A-5Late ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 06:51:52Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:12:23Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:13:40Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:13:53Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:15:09Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:17:35Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:21:17Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:21:23Z
Ju-88A-5Late ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:11Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:25Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:25Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:25Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:26Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:26Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:27:45Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Bf-110C-4B SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Bf-110C-4B SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Ju-88C-1 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:09Z
Ju-88C-1 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:09Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:41:28Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:45:59Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:47:41Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:01:31Z
Ju-88A-5Late Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:06:54Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:17Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:17Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:17Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:18Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:18Z
Ju-88A-5Late Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:07:57Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:14Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:12:02Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:22:39Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:33:23Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:57Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:57Z
Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:47:02Z
Ju-88A-1 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:08Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Bf-109F-4 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 09:12:39Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 09:51:53Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1114 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 11:22:48 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 428.4 total Kill Points; 5.5/3.0/0.0/420.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
184 bombs dropped, 85.3% hit targets, 6,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 160.9 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/88.0/157.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
27 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 726 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (8 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,633 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1034 hours Red destroyed Brighton Gasoline Storage
Pilots who contributed: locowil
On 11 June 1942, 1045 hours Red destroyed South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2)
Pilots who contributed: TWC_BlacKnight, dog
Pilots who scouted this objective: TWC_BlacKnight, dog
On 11 June 1942, 1045 hours Red destroyed South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2)
Pilots who contributed: TWC_BlacKnight
On 11 June 1942, 1048 hours Red destroyed South Channel Transport Ship See-225
Pilots who contributed: TWC_BlacKnight
Pilots who scouted this objective: TWC_BlacKnight

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1142 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 11:50:48 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 428.4 total Kill Points; 5.5/3.0/0.0/420.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
184 bombs dropped, 85.3% hit targets, 6,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 160.9 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/88.0/157.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
27 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 726 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (8 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225

Blue stands at +20,634 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1210 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 12:18:48 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 428.4 total Kill Points; 5.5/3.0/0.0/420.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
184 bombs dropped, 85.3% hit targets, 6,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 224.6 total Kill Points; 1.1/0.0/88.0/220.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
45 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 2,604 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (17 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield

Blue stands at +20,618 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1150 hours Red destroyed Ford Airfield
Pilots who contributed: dog
Pilots who scouted this objective: dog

FINAL TEAM TOTALS for mission ending at 11 June 1942, 1211 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 12:20:02 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 428.4 total Kill Points; 5.5/3.0/0.0/420.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
184 bombs dropped, 85.3% hit targets, 6,478 kg on targets
RED session totals: 224.6 total Kill Points; 1.1/0.0/88.0/220.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
45 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 2,604 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (17 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield

Blue stands at +20,618 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
B 00 00 000.68 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.68 ATAG_Marlow
B 00 00 001.48 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/01.48 Heggers
R 00 01 003.52 00 00.07/00.00/01.00/02.45 940kg TWC_Anonymous
R 00 00 005.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/05.00 locowil
B 00 02 019.87 00 05.07/02.00/00.00/12.80 3,336kg SirMaverick
B 00 00 030.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/30.00 AKA_Blasto
R 00 00 046.45 00 01.00/00.00/44.50/43.45 TWC_BlacKnight
B 00 00 062.94 00 00.10/00.00/00.00/62.84 5,694kg Fyl_maStiefel
R 00 00 119.67 00 00.00/00.00/07.50/119.67 3,756kg dog
B 00 01 173.79 00 00.30/01.00/00.00/172.49 4,000kg ATAG_Noofy

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:19:56Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:20:06Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:29:31Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:31:30Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:33:29Z
BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:40:28Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:47:10Z
BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:47:46Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:56:35Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:59:47Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:10:21Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:11:52Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:14:33Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:16:19Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:24:01Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:31:59Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:33:03Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:33:11Z
GladiatorMkII (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:46:40Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:47:32Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:47:32Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:48:02Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:59:01Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:59:44Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:59:44Z
BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:01:48Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:15:27Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:15:37Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:19:18Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:22:29Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:23:22Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:25:29Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:27:19Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:28:12Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:29:12Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:34:57Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:34:59Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:37:16Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:41:40Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:44:24Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:44:24Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 08:44:24Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:46:34Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:47:14Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:47:28Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:48:29Z
BeaufighterMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:49:32Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:54:19Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:55:49Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:56:31Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:57:00Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 09:00:35Z
BlenheimMkIVNF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 09:06:50Z
BlenheimMkIVNF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 09:07:04Z
SunderlandMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 09:54:39Z
BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 09:59:02Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:14:36Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:16:43Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:16:43Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:16:43Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:16:43Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:17:01Z
BlenheimMkIV TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 10:17:01Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct locowil 2023-01-12 10:20:36Z
BlenheimMkIV Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:25:04Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:36:26Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct-NF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:46:33Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:27Z
WellingtonMkIc Torpedo Trop TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 10:53:27Z
BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:02:37Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:08:15Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:08:15Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:08:20Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:08:20Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:08:26Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:18:05Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:18:19Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:18:38Z
BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:19:55Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Anonymous 2023-01-12 11:25:57Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_BlacKnight 2023-01-12 11:26:02Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:40:22Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:46:15Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:46:23Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:46:23Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:46:23Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:46:29Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:46:29Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2023-01-12 11:46:29Z
SpitfireMkIa 100oct (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:58:44Z
HurricaneMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 12:06:03Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
He-111P-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:17:36Z
G50 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:17:36Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:33:02Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 06:34:01Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:36:41Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:37:59Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:38:21Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 06:40:16Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:01Z
Ju-88A-5Late SirMaverick 2023-01-12 06:42:02Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 06:48:10Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:12:23Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:13:40Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:13:53Z
Bf-109E-4N Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:15:09Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:17:35Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:21:17Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:21:23Z
Ju-88A-5Late ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:11Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:25Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:25Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:25Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:26Z
Ju-88A-1 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 07:26:26Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:27:45Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Bf-110C-7 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Bf-110C-4B SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Bf-110C-4B SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:08Z
Ju-88C-1 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:09Z
Ju-88C-1 SirMaverick 2023-01-12 07:37:09Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:41:28Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:45:59Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 07:47:41Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:01:31Z
Ju-88A-5Late Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:06:54Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:17Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:17Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:17Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:18Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:07:18Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:12Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:13Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:08:14Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:12:02Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:22:39Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:33:23Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:56Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:57Z
Bf-110C-7 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 08:38:57Z
Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 08:47:02Z
Ju-88A-1 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:08Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:55Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Ju-88A-5 Fyl_maStiefel 2023-01-12 08:52:56Z
Bf-109F-4 ATAG_Noofy 2023-01-12 09:12:39Z
He-115B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 09:51:53Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:42:07Z
Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 10:57:28Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:01:19Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:01:19Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:01:19Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:01:19Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:01:19Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:01:19Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:24:09Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:25:10Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:26:48Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:30:09Z
BR-20M (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:32:27Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:33:12Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:37:03Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:39:02Z
He-111P-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:40:03Z
He-111P-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:40:14Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:41:05Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:43:56Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:46:35Z
BR-20M (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:55:13Z
BR-20M (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 11:57:49Z
BR-20M (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 12:03:37Z
Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 12:10:19Z
Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2023-01-12 12:19:24Z

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1226 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 19:25:44 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (22 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield - Ventnor Radar

Blue stands at +20,613 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1213 hours Red destroyed Ventnor Radar
On 11 June 1942, 1224 hours Red destroyed Shoreham Local Radar

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1254 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 19:53:44 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 3.0 total Kill Points; 3.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (24 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield - Ventnor Radar - Shoreham Local Radar

Blue stands at +20,611 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1322 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 20:21:45 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 5.0 total Kill Points; 5.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 1,000 kg on targets
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (24 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield - Ventnor Radar - Shoreham Local Radar

Blue stands at +20,612 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1350 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 20:49:45 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 10.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 1,000 kg on targets
RED session totals: 4.8 total Kill Points; 4.8/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (24 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield - Ventnor Radar - Shoreham Local Radar

Blue stands at +20,612 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1418 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 21:17:45 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 12.0 total Kill Points; 12.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 1,000 kg on targets
RED session totals: 12.4 total Kill Points; 12.4/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (26 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield - Ventnor Radar - Shoreham Local Radar - Local Radar Wimereux

Blue stands at +20,609 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 11 June 1942, 1407 hours Red destroyed Local Radar Wimereux

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1446 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 21:45:45 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 14.1 total Kill Points; 14.1/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
6 bombs dropped, 33.3% hit targets, 1,000 kg on targets
RED session totals: 20.9 total Kill Points; 20.9/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (26 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield - Ventnor Radar - Shoreham Local Radar - Local Radar Wimereux

Blue stands at +20,609 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1514 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 22:13:45 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 16.1 total Kill Points; 16.1/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
8 bombs dropped, 25.0% hit targets, 1,000 kg on targets
RED session totals: 23.6 total Kill Points; 23.6/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (26 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield - Ventnor Radar - Shoreham Local Radar - Local Radar Wimereux

Blue stands at +20,608 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1542 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 22:41:45 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 16.5 total Kill Points; 16.5/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
8 bombs dropped, 25.0% hit targets, 1,000 kg on targets
RED session totals: 27.7 total Kill Points; 27.7/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (26 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield - Ventnor Radar - Shoreham Local Radar - Local Radar Wimereux

Blue stands at +20,609 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1610 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 23:09:45 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 19.4 total Kill Points; 19.4/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
8 bombs dropped, 25.0% hit targets, 1,000 kg on targets
RED session totals: 27.7 total Kill Points; 27.7/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (26 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield - Ventnor Radar - Shoreham Local Radar - Local Radar Wimereux

Blue stands at +20,609 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.

TEAM Totals for 11 June 1942, 1638 hours [Thu, 12 Jan 2023 23:37:45 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 19.4 total Kill Points; 19.4/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
8 bombs dropped, 25.0% hit targets, 1,000 kg on targets
RED session totals: 32.0 total Kill Points; 32.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (32 points): - RAF Temporary Fuel Dump #AA00 - Westgate Radar - Canterbury Airfield - Eastchurch Airfield - Brighton Army Recruitment Station

Red Objectives complete (26 points): - South Channel Transport Ship Group Sch-25J (sink 2) - South Channel Transport Ship See-225 - Ford Airfield - Ventnor Radar - Shoreham Local Radar - Local Radar Wimereux

Blue stands at +20,609 for the entire Operation Jubilee campaign.