TWC Tactical Campaign Server (English Channel) TEAM Stats

For Thu, 01 Jul 2021 GMT - scroll to end for most recent stats

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TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 00:10:42 GMT

BLUE session totals: 322.8 total Kill Points; 47.9/6.0/0.0/268.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
115 bombs dropped, 88.7% hit targets, 3,840 kg on targets
RED session totals: 180.6 total Kill Points; 52.2/0.0/0.0/128.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
47 bombs dropped, 55.3% hit targets, 2,130 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (149 points): - Dover Naval HQ - Canterbury Local Radar - Deal Local Radar - Littlestone Bombers - Tenterden Chemical Manufacture - Dover Naval Docks Area - Littlestone Airfield - Bulford Army Facility - Portsmouth Torpedo Facility - Main Fuel Portsmouth - Brookland Radar - Dover Ammo Dump - Dover Local Radar - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Poole North Military Port Area - Reading Engine Workshop - Tunbridge Wells Armoury - Manston aircraft - Gosport Local Radar - Sanddown Airfield - Sandwich Radar - Redhill Bomber Base - Maidstone Train Repair Station - Dover Naval Operations Fuel - Upavon Airfield

Red Objectives complete (59 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE

Red stands at +5,325 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 00:38:42 GMT

BLUE session totals: 322.8 total Kill Points; 47.9/6.0/0.0/268.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
115 bombs dropped, 88.7% hit targets, 3,840 kg on targets
RED session totals: 181.6 total Kill Points; 53.2/0.0/0.0/128.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
47 bombs dropped, 55.3% hit targets, 2,130 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (149 points): - Dover Naval HQ - Canterbury Local Radar - Deal Local Radar - Littlestone Bombers - Tenterden Chemical Manufacture - Dover Naval Docks Area - Littlestone Airfield - Bulford Army Facility - Portsmouth Torpedo Facility - Main Fuel Portsmouth - Brookland Radar - Dover Ammo Dump - Dover Local Radar - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Poole North Military Port Area - Reading Engine Workshop - Tunbridge Wells Armoury - Manston aircraft - Gosport Local Radar - Sanddown Airfield - Sandwich Radar - Redhill Bomber Base - Maidstone Train Repair Station - Dover Naval Operations Fuel - Upavon Airfield

Red Objectives complete (59 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE

Red stands at +5,324 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM TOTALS for TEAM VICTORY at Thu, 01 Jul 2021 00:41:02 GMT

BLUE session totals: 331.1 total Kill Points; 47.9/6.0/0.0/277.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
115 bombs dropped, 88.7% hit targets, 3,840 kg on targets
RED session totals: 182.6 total Kill Points; 54.2/0.0/0.0/128.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
47 bombs dropped, 55.3% hit targets, 2,130 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (152 points): - Dover Naval HQ - Canterbury Local Radar - Deal Local Radar - Littlestone Bombers - Tenterden Chemical Manufacture - Dover Naval Docks Area - Littlestone Airfield - Bulford Army Facility - Portsmouth Torpedo Facility - Main Fuel Portsmouth - Brookland Radar - Dover Ammo Dump - Dover Local Radar - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Poole North Military Port Area - Reading Engine Workshop - Tunbridge Wells Armoury - Manston aircraft - Gosport Local Radar - Sanddown Airfield - Sandwich Radar - Redhill Bomber Base - Maidstone Train Repair Station - Dover Naval Operations Fuel - Upavon Airfield - Diehl Military Train Station

Red Objectives complete (59 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE

Red stands at +5,131 for the entire 113 Days campaign.


BLUE players who contributed to this historic victory by scouting high priority areas identified by HQ:
- Sandwich Radar: MDC, Pinguim, Csabi, Launchpad McQuack
- Brookland Radar: MDC, jrepas, Launchpad McQuack
- Dover Local Radar: Csabi, Launchpad McQuack, MDC
- Gosport Local Radar: TUSA_Nuwen
- Deal Local Radar: MDC, jrepas, Csabi, Launchpad McQuack
- Canterbury Local Radar: MDC, Csabi, Launchpad McQuack
- Littlestone Bombers: MDC, jrepas, Launchpad McQuack
- Redhill Bomber Base: MDC
- Manston aircraft: Pinguim, Csabi, MDC
- Maidstone Train Repair Station :
- Tunbridge Wells Armoury:
- Bulford Army Facility:
- Reading Engine Workshop :
- Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth:
- Main Fuel Portsmouth:
- Portsmouth Torpedo Facility: TUSA_Nuwen
- Diehl Military Train Station: Csabi, Launchpad McQuack, MDC
- Tenterden Chemical Manufacture: MDC, jrepas, Launchpad McQuack
- Dover Naval HQ: [MKHL]Hiuuz, MDC, Csabi, jrepas, Launchpad McQuack
- Dover Ammo Dump: MDC, Csabi, jrepas, Launchpad McQuack, GPeter83
- Dover Naval Operations Fuel: [MKHL]Hiuuz, MDC, Csabi, jrepas, Launchpad McQuack
- Poole North Military Port Area:
- Dover Naval Docks Area: MDC, Csabi, jrepas, TWC_Flug, Launchpad McQuack
- Upavon Airfield: TUSA_Nuwen, MDC
- Littlestone Airfield: JG-666 Stef, MDC, jrepas, Launchpad McQuack, FLS_Tepes
- Sanddown Airfield: TUSA_Nuwen, JG-666 Stef, MDC

11 players contributed to scouting objectives that contributed to this victory.

BLUE players who contributed to this historic victory by assisting in the destruction of the objectives identified by HQ:
- Brookland Radar: MDC, JÄGER_Günther, jrepas, Launchpad McQuack, JG-666 Stef
- Littlestone Bombers: MDC, JG-666 Stef, jrepas, Launchpad McQuack, AKA_Blasto
- Diehl Military Train Station: Csabi, Launchpad McQuack, MDC
- Dover Ammo Dump: MDC, Csabi, jrepas, TWC_Flug, Launchpad McQuack, GPeter83, OBT~Polak, OBT~moomoon, OBT~Mikmak, Seby, OBT~Lionel
- Dover Naval Operations Fuel: [MKHL]Hiuuz, MDC, Csabi, jrepas, Launchpad McQuack
- Upavon Airfield: TUSA_Nuwen, MDC

16 players contributed to destroying objectives that contributed to this victory.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
B 01 01 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 TGIF MAS
R 00 00 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_CAF
R 00 01 000.10 00 00.10/00.00/00.00/00.00 19RAF Razy (QV-Z)
R 00 00 000.14 00 00.14/00.00/00.00/00.00 Fencer400
R 00 01 000.20 00 00.20/00.00/00.00/00.00 ROSS_WedRuSs
R 00 00 000.67 00 00.67/00.00/00.00/00.00 guillaumespaletta
B 00 00 000.85 00 00.85/00.00/00.00/00.00 [MKHL]101/7_Savas
B 00 01 001.00 00 01.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 ACG_Murmillo
R 00 00 001.00 00 01.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 locowil
R 00 00 001.00 00 01.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_Spardog
R 00 00 001.05 00 01.05/00.00/00.00/00.00 OBT~Eazy
R 00 00 001.09 00 01.09/00.00/00.00/00.00 69th_biggles3
R 00 00 001.15 00 01.15/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_Moon
R 00 01 001.53 00 01.53/00.00/00.00/00.00 69th_damon
B 00 00 001.67 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/01.67 Launchpad McQuack
R 00 00 001.68 18 01.68/00.00/00.00/00.00 ATAG_Snarglepuss
B 00 00 001.88 00 01.88/00.00/00.00/00.00 ACG_Bayern
R 00 01 002.12 00 02.12/00.00/00.00/00.00 ROSS_urich.76
B 00 01 002.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/02.50 248kg jrepas
B 00 02 002.62 00 02.62/00.00/00.00/00.00 0kg ACG_Whisky
B 00 00 002.89 00 02.89/00.00/00.00/00.00 9./JG52 J-HAT
R 00 00 002.97 00 02.97/00.00/00.00/00.00 19 RAF Conflict (QV-C)
B 00 00 003.05 00 03.05/00.00/00.00/00.00 9./JG52 Meyer
R 00 00 003.53 00 03.53/00.00/00.00/00.00 19RAF MJDixon (QV-J)
R 00 00 003.55 00 03.55/00.00/00.00/00.00 Dawson
B 00 00 003.95 00 03.95/00.00/00.00/00.00 ACG_Tommi
B 00 00 004.14 00 04.14/00.00/00.00/00.00 VCAF_Kendy
B 00 00 004.42 00 04.42/00.00/00.00/00.00 YR-DAN
B 00 00 005.05 00 00.05/00.00/00.00/05.00 OBT~Lionel
R 00 00 005.07 00 05.07/00.00/00.00/00.00 Nut of Gandalf
R 00 00 005.31 00 05.31/00.00/00.00/00.00 ATAG_Marlow
B 00 00 005.54 00 00.54/00.00/00.00/05.00 OBT~moomoon
B 00 00 005.66 00 00.66/00.00/00.00/05.00 OBT~Polak
B 00 00 007.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/07.50 TUSA_Nuwen
R 00 00 007.52 00 07.52/00.00/00.00/00.00 ATAG_Jackmaxx
R 00 01 007.69 00 07.69/00.00/00.00/00.00 LittleBill
B 00 00 007.75 00 02.75/00.00/00.00/05.00 OBT~Mikmak
B 00 01 011.92 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/11.92 1,472kg GPeter83
B 00 00 015.46 00 10.46/00.00/00.00/05.00 Seby
R 00 00 018.71 00 05.00/00.00/00.00/13.71 679kg TWC_Mean Mr Mustard
B 00 01 020.76 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/20.76 496kg [MKHL]Hiuuz
B 00 00 020.98 00 01.47/06.00/00.00/13.51 744kg Csabi
R 00 00 026.78 00 00.09/00.00/00.00/26.69 1,919kg TWC_hogdecker
R 00 00 036.47 00 02.47/00.00/00.00/34.00 853kg TWC_Penguin
R 02 02 039.52 00 00.52/00.00/00.00/39.00 853kg TWC_Birdtail
B 00 00 047.29 19 04.15/00.00/00.00/43.14 1,856kg MDC
B 00 01 065.47 00 03.01/00.00/00.00/62.46 4,380kg JG-666 Stef

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
SpitfireMkVbLate ROSS_urich.76 2021-06-30 18:10:27Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Penguin 2021-06-30 18:11:50Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-06-30 18:13:32Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late ROSS_WedRuSs 2021-06-30 18:14:47Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-06-30 18:18:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-06-30 18:18:31Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Moon 2021-06-30 18:29:17Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Moon 2021-06-30 18:49:30Z
SpitfireMkVbLate 19RAF MJDixon (QV-J) 2021-06-30 19:01:19Z
SpitfireMkVbLate 19 RAF Conflict (QV-C) 2021-06-30 19:03:53Z
SpitfireMkVbLate 19RAF Razy (QV-Z) 2021-06-30 19:09:22Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Penguin 2021-06-30 19:21:55Z
SpitfireMkIIb OBT~Eazy 2021-06-30 19:31:31Z
SpitfireMkVbLate 19RAF Razy (QV-Z) 2021-06-30 19:49:39Z
KittyhawkMkIA ATAG_Jackmaxx 2021-06-30 19:57:49Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_CAF 2021-06-30 20:07:46Z
KittyhawkMkIA Nut of Gandalf 2021-06-30 20:12:11Z
MartletMkIII ATAG_Snarglepuss 2021-06-30 20:14:25Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_CAF 2021-06-30 20:14:42Z
SpitfireMkVbLate 19 RAF Conflict (QV-C) 2021-06-30 20:16:06Z
KittyhawkMkIA ATAG_Jackmaxx 2021-06-30 20:18:02Z
MartletMkIII ATAG_Snarglepuss 2021-06-30 20:26:54Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 20:28:22Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 20:46:37Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Penguin 2021-06-30 20:54:04Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:00:11Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:00:49Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:00:49Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:00:52Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 21:07:32Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF ATAG_Jackmaxx 2021-06-30 21:20:17Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 21:24:23Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 21:24:23Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 21:24:31Z
BlenheimMkIV Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:34:02Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF ATAG_Jackmaxx 2021-06-30 21:38:54Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:39:54Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:40:00Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:40:00Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:41:13Z
SpitfireMkVb LittleBill 2021-06-30 22:04:37Z
SpitfireMkVb LittleBill 2021-06-30 22:23:50Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 22:26:05Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 22:27:49Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 22:27:49Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 22:27:54Z
SpitfireMkVbLate Dawson 2021-06-30 22:28:49Z
SpitfireMkVb 69th_damon 2021-06-30 22:33:05Z
HurricaneMkIIc TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 22:44:09Z
SpitfireMkVbLate 69th_damon 2021-06-30 22:59:23Z
SpitfireMkVbLate TWC_Spardog 2021-06-30 23:02:33Z
SpitfireMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 23:05:28Z
SpitfireMkVb LittleBill 2021-06-30 23:38:25Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct 69th_biggles3 2021-06-30 23:41:31Z
SpitfireMkVb LittleBill 2021-06-30 23:49:22Z
BlenheimMkI TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 00:20:01Z
BlenheimMkI TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 00:20:01Z
BlenheimMkI TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 00:20:06Z
BlenheimMkI TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 00:20:06Z
SpitfireMkIa TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 00:20:11Z
SpitfireMkIa TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 00:20:11Z
SpitfireMkIa TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 00:20:15Z
SpitfireMkIa TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 00:20:15Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:34Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:34Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:39Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:39Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:44Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:44Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:50Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:50Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
Bf-109E-1B Csabi 2021-06-30 18:12:27Z
Bf-109E-3B jrepas 2021-06-30 18:13:20Z
Bf-109E-7 ACG_Murmillo 2021-06-30 18:26:08Z
Bf-109E-1B jrepas 2021-06-30 18:33:18Z
Ju-88C-4Late GPeter83 2021-06-30 18:50:27Z
Bf-109E-4B [MKHL]Hiuuz 2021-06-30 19:08:10Z
D520 Serie1 OBT~Lionel 2021-06-30 19:12:46Z
Bf-109F-2 9./JG52 J-HAT 2021-06-30 19:12:52Z
Bf-109F-2 Late Seby 2021-06-30 19:23:51Z
Bf-109F-2 Late Seby 2021-06-30 19:36:39Z
Ju-88A-1 TGIF MAS 2021-06-30 19:47:14Z
Ju-88A-5 JG-666 Stef 2021-06-30 19:58:44Z
Ju-88A-1 TGIF MAS 2021-06-30 20:16:21Z
Ju-88A-1 TGIF MAS 2021-06-30 20:19:28Z
Bf-109F-1 JG-666 Stef 2021-06-30 21:41:28Z
Bf-109F-2 ACG_Whisky 2021-06-30 22:13:34Z
Bf-109F-2 Late ACG_Bayern 2021-06-30 22:36:26Z
Bf-109F-2 Late ACG_Bayern 2021-06-30 23:23:32Z

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 01:04:42 GMT

BLUE session totals: 332.0 total Kill Points; 48.8/6.0/0.0/277.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
115 bombs dropped, 88.7% hit targets, 3,840 kg on targets
RED session totals: 229.5 total Kill Points; 55.2/3.0/0.0/171.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
81 bombs dropped, 74.1% hit targets, 3,245 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (0 points):

Red Objectives complete (69 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area

Red stands at +5,183 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 01:32:43 GMT

BLUE session totals: 332.0 total Kill Points; 48.8/6.0/0.0/277.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
115 bombs dropped, 88.7% hit targets, 3,840 kg on targets
RED session totals: 244.9 total Kill Points; 55.2/3.0/0.0/186.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
95 bombs dropped, 75.8% hit targets, 3,802 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (0 points):

Red Objectives complete (72 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX

Red stands at +5,187 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 02:00:43 GMT

BLUE session totals: 341.6 total Kill Points; 50.8/10.0/0.0/280.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
119 bombs dropped, 89.1% hit targets, 4,032 kg on targets
RED session totals: 262.1 total Kill Points; 55.4/3.0/0.0/203.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
104 bombs dropped, 77.9% hit targets, 3,802 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (82 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX

Red stands at +5,196 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 02:28:44 GMT

BLUE session totals: 343.6 total Kill Points; 52.8/10.0/0.0/280.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
119 bombs dropped, 89.1% hit targets, 4,032 kg on targets
RED session totals: 358.5 total Kill Points; 57.9/3.0/0.0/297.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
116 bombs dropped, 80.2% hit targets, 4,359 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (89 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site

Red stands at +5,212 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 02:56:44 GMT

BLUE session totals: 370.3 total Kill Points; 54.9/10.0/0.0/305.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
151 bombs dropped, 91.4% hit targets, 4,032 kg on targets
RED session totals: 363.3 total Kill Points; 62.8/3.0/0.0/297.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
116 bombs dropped, 80.2% hit targets, 4,359 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (89 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site

Red stands at +5,210 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 03:24:44 GMT

BLUE session totals: 374.6 total Kill Points; 59.2/10.0/0.0/305.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
151 bombs dropped, 91.4% hit targets, 4,032 kg on targets
RED session totals: 364.5 total Kill Points; 64.0/3.0/0.0/297.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
116 bombs dropped, 80.2% hit targets, 4,359 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (89 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site

Red stands at +5,210 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

FINAL TEAM TOTALS for mission ending at Thu, 01 Jul 2021 03:46:49 GMT

BLUE session totals: 419.1 total Kill Points; 64.3/10.0/0.0/344.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
187 bombs dropped, 90.9% hit targets, 4,224 kg on targets
RED session totals: 368.5 total Kill Points; 68.0/3.0/0.0/297.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
116 bombs dropped, 80.2% hit targets, 4,359 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (89 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site

Red stands at +5,205 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
R 00 00 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_CAF
B 01 01 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 TGIF MAS
R 00 01 000.10 00 00.10/00.00/00.00/00.00 19RAF Razy (QV-Z)
R 00 00 000.14 00 00.14/00.00/00.00/00.00 Fencer400
R 00 01 000.20 00 00.20/00.00/00.00/00.00 ROSS_WedRuSs
R 00 00 000.67 00 00.67/00.00/00.00/00.00 guillaumespaletta
B 00 00 000.85 00 00.85/00.00/00.00/00.00 [MKHL]101/7_Savas
B 00 00 000.90 00 00.90/00.00/00.00/00.00 Clipper79
R 00 00 001.00 00 01.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_Spardog
B 00 01 001.00 00 01.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 ACG_Murmillo
R 00 00 001.00 00 01.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 locowil
R 00 00 001.05 00 01.05/00.00/00.00/00.00 OBT~Eazy
R 00 00 001.15 00 01.15/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_Moon
R 00 01 001.53 00 01.53/00.00/00.00/00.00 69th_damon
B 00 00 001.67 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/01.67 Launchpad McQuack
B 00 00 001.88 00 01.88/00.00/00.00/00.00 ACG_Bayern
R 00 00 001.98 00 01.98/00.00/00.00/00.00 69th_biggles3
R 00 01 002.12 00 02.12/00.00/00.00/00.00 ROSS_urich.76
B 00 01 002.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/02.50 248kg jrepas
B 00 02 002.62 00 02.62/00.00/00.00/00.00 0kg ACG_Whisky
B 00 00 002.89 00 02.89/00.00/00.00/00.00 9./JG52 J-HAT
R 00 00 002.97 00 02.97/00.00/00.00/00.00 19 RAF Conflict (QV-C)
B 00 00 003.05 00 03.05/00.00/00.00/00.00 9./JG52 Meyer
R 00 00 003.53 00 03.53/00.00/00.00/00.00 19RAF MJDixon (QV-J)
R 00 00 003.55 00 03.55/00.00/00.00/00.00 Dawson
B 00 00 003.95 00 03.95/00.00/00.00/00.00 ACG_Tommi
R 00 00 004.02 00 04.02/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_Rough
B 00 00 004.42 00 04.42/00.00/00.00/00.00 YR-DAN
B 00 00 005.05 00 00.05/00.00/00.00/05.00 OBT~Lionel
R 00 00 005.07 00 05.07/00.00/00.00/00.00 Nut of Gandalf
R 00 00 005.31 00 05.31/00.00/00.00/00.00 ATAG_Marlow
B 00 00 005.54 00 00.54/00.00/00.00/05.00 OBT~moomoon
B 00 00 005.66 00 00.66/00.00/00.00/05.00 OBT~Polak
B 00 00 007.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/07.50 TUSA_Nuwen
R 00 00 007.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/07.50 ATAG_Bubba
R 00 00 007.52 00 07.52/00.00/00.00/00.00 ATAG_Jackmaxx
B 00 00 007.75 00 02.75/00.00/00.00/05.00 OBT~Mikmak
R 00 01 007.80 00 07.80/00.00/00.00/00.00 LittleBill
R 00 00 010.85 18 01.68/00.00/00.00/09.17 ATAG_Snarglepuss
B 00 01 011.92 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/11.92 1,472kg GPeter83
B 00 00 013.58 40 13.58/00.00/00.00/00.00 VCAF_Kendy
B 00 00 013.73 00 06.10/04.00/00.00/03.63 192kg FLS_Tepes
B 00 00 015.46 00 10.46/00.00/00.00/05.00 Seby
B 00 00 020.68 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/20.68 192kg AKA_Blasto
B 00 01 020.76 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/20.76 496kg [MKHL]Hiuuz
B 00 00 020.98 00 01.47/06.00/00.00/13.51 744kg Csabi
R 00 00 035.10 00 05.00/00.00/00.00/30.10 1,864kg TWC_Mean Mr Mustard
R 00 00 036.47 00 02.47/00.00/00.00/34.00 853kg TWC_Penguin
R 01 00 038.38 00 00.49/00.00/00.00/37.89 3,837kg TWC_hogdecker
R 02 02 039.52 00 00.52/00.00/00.00/39.00 853kg TWC_Birdtail
B 00 00 047.29 19 04.15/00.00/00.00/43.14 1,856kg MDC
R 00 00 089.59 00 08.38/03.00/00.00/78.21 1,671kg TWC_Fyl_maboots
B 00 01 108.75 00 03.01/00.00/00.00/105.74 8,760kg JG-666 Stef

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
SpitfireMkVbLate ROSS_urich.76 2021-06-30 18:10:27Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Penguin 2021-06-30 18:11:50Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-06-30 18:13:32Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late ROSS_WedRuSs 2021-06-30 18:14:47Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-06-30 18:18:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-06-30 18:18:31Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Moon 2021-06-30 18:29:17Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Moon 2021-06-30 18:49:30Z
SpitfireMkVbLate 19 RAF Conflict (QV-C) 2021-06-30 19:03:53Z
SpitfireMkVbLate 19RAF Razy (QV-Z) 2021-06-30 19:09:22Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Penguin 2021-06-30 19:21:55Z
SpitfireMkIIb OBT~Eazy 2021-06-30 19:31:31Z
SpitfireMkVbLate 19RAF Razy (QV-Z) 2021-06-30 19:49:39Z
KittyhawkMkIA ATAG_Jackmaxx 2021-06-30 19:57:49Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_CAF 2021-06-30 20:07:46Z
KittyhawkMkIA Nut of Gandalf 2021-06-30 20:12:11Z
MartletMkIII ATAG_Snarglepuss 2021-06-30 20:14:25Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_CAF 2021-06-30 20:14:42Z
SpitfireMkVbLate 19 RAF Conflict (QV-C) 2021-06-30 20:16:06Z
KittyhawkMkIA ATAG_Jackmaxx 2021-06-30 20:18:02Z
MartletMkIII ATAG_Snarglepuss 2021-06-30 20:26:54Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 20:28:22Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 20:46:37Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Penguin 2021-06-30 20:54:04Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:00:11Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:00:49Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:00:49Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:00:52Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 21:07:32Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF ATAG_Jackmaxx 2021-06-30 21:20:17Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 21:24:23Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 21:24:23Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 21:24:31Z
BlenheimMkIV Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:34:02Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF ATAG_Jackmaxx 2021-06-30 21:38:54Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:39:54Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:40:00Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:40:00Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 21:41:13Z
SpitfireMkVb LittleBill 2021-06-30 22:04:37Z
SpitfireMkVb LittleBill 2021-06-30 22:23:50Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 22:26:05Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 22:27:49Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 22:27:49Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-06-30 22:27:54Z
SpitfireMkVbLate Dawson 2021-06-30 22:28:49Z
SpitfireMkVb 69th_damon 2021-06-30 22:33:05Z
HurricaneMkIIc TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 22:44:09Z
SpitfireMkVbLate 69th_damon 2021-06-30 22:59:23Z
SpitfireMkVbLate TWC_Spardog 2021-06-30 23:02:33Z
SpitfireMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-06-30 23:05:28Z
SpitfireMkVb LittleBill 2021-06-30 23:38:25Z
HurricaneMkI 100oct 69th_biggles3 2021-06-30 23:41:31Z
SpitfireMkVb LittleBill 2021-06-30 23:49:22Z
BlenheimMkI TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 00:20:01Z
BlenheimMkI TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 00:20:06Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:34Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:34Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:39Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:50Z
HurricaneMkIIb TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 00:34:50Z
BlenheimMkI TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 01:04:28Z
BlenheimMkI TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 01:04:28Z
HurricaneMkIIc TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 01:07:00Z
SpitfireMkVa TWC_hogdecker 2021-07-01 01:09:06Z
SpitfireMkVa TWC_hogdecker 2021-07-01 01:09:06Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-07-01 01:17:17Z
SpitfireMkVa TWC_hogdecker 2021-07-01 01:19:12Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-07-01 01:19:26Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 01:34:34Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 01:34:34Z
BlenheimMkI TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 01:34:44Z
BlenheimMkI TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 01:34:44Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 03:20:45Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
Bf-109E-1B Csabi 2021-06-30 18:12:27Z
Bf-109E-3B jrepas 2021-06-30 18:13:20Z
Bf-109E-7 ACG_Murmillo 2021-06-30 18:26:08Z
Bf-109E-1B jrepas 2021-06-30 18:33:18Z
Ju-88C-4Late GPeter83 2021-06-30 18:50:27Z
Bf-109E-4B [MKHL]Hiuuz 2021-06-30 19:08:10Z
D520 Serie1 OBT~Lionel 2021-06-30 19:12:46Z
Bf-109F-2 9./JG52 J-HAT 2021-06-30 19:12:52Z
Bf-109F-2 Late Seby 2021-06-30 19:23:51Z
Bf-109F-2 Late Seby 2021-06-30 19:36:39Z
Ju-88A-1 TGIF MAS 2021-06-30 19:47:14Z
Ju-88A-5 JG-666 Stef 2021-06-30 19:58:44Z
Ju-88A-1 TGIF MAS 2021-06-30 20:16:21Z
Ju-88A-1 TGIF MAS 2021-06-30 20:19:28Z
Bf-109F-1 JG-666 Stef 2021-06-30 21:41:28Z
Bf-109F-2 ACG_Whisky 2021-06-30 22:13:34Z
Bf-109F-2 Late ACG_Bayern 2021-06-30 22:36:26Z
Bf-109F-2 Late ACG_Bayern 2021-06-30 23:23:32Z
Bf-109F-2 Late Clipper79 2021-07-01 00:09:43Z
Ju-88A-5 JG-666 Stef 2021-07-01 02:05:55Z
Bf-110C-4B JG-666 Stef 2021-07-01 03:01:19Z
Ju-88A-5 JG-666 Stef 2021-07-01 03:17:58Z
Ju-88A-5 JG-666 Stef 2021-07-01 03:17:58Z

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 04:13:16 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.2 total Kill Points; 0.2/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (89 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site

Red stands at +5,205 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 04:41:16 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 10.3 total Kill Points; 0.2/0.0/0.0/10.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
12 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 557 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (89 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site

Red stands at +5,206 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 05:09:16 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 17.2 total Kill Points; 2.1/0.0/0.0/15.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
12 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 557 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (91 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux

Red stands at +5,209 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 05:37:17 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 18.1 total Kill Points; 3.1/0.0/0.0/15.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
12 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 557 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (91 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux

Red stands at +5,209 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 06:05:17 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 40.6 total Kill Points; 3.5/0.0/0.0/37.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
24 bombs dropped, 50.0% hit targets, 557 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (91 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux

Red stands at +5,211 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 06:33:17 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 80.1 total Kill Points; 3.8/0.0/0.0/76.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
36 bombs dropped, 66.7% hit targets, 1,114 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (104 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE

Red stands at +5,228 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 07:01:17 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 161.2 total Kill Points; 3.9/0.0/0.0/157.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
48 bombs dropped, 72.9% hit targets, 1,625 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (112 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area

Red stands at +5,244 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 07:29:17 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 180.7 total Kill Points; 5.1/0.0/0.0/175.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
60 bombs dropped, 78.3% hit targets, 2,182 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (121 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area

Red stands at +5,255 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 07:57:17 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 200.6 total Kill Points; 6.6/0.0/0.0/194.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
72 bombs dropped, 73.6% hit targets, 2,461 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (130 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area

Red stands at +5,266 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 08:25:17 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 202.6 total Kill Points; 8.6/0.0/0.0/194.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
72 bombs dropped, 73.6% hit targets, 2,461 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (2 points): - Bexhill Local Radar

Red Objectives complete (130 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area

Red stands at +5,266 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

FINAL TEAM TOTALS for mission ending at Thu, 01 Jul 2021 08:49:39 GMT

BLUE session totals: 20.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/20.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 202.6 total Kill Points; 8.6/0.0/0.0/194.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
72 bombs dropped, 73.6% hit targets, 2,461 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (11 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth

Red Objectives complete (130 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area

Red stands at +5,255 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
B 00 00 010.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/10.00 VCAF_Kendy
R 00 00 013.34 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/13.34 ATAG_Snarglepuss
R 00 00 028.66 00 03.66/00.00/00.00/25.00 TWC_Anonymous
R 00 02 087.27 00 04.97/00.00/00.00/82.30 2,460kg TWC_Fyl_maboots

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 04:00:57Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 04:00:57Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 04:01:10Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 04:01:10Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 04:01:17Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 04:01:17Z
SpitfireMkVbLate TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 05:34:24Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 05:40:24Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 05:40:24Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 06:05:41Z
SpitfireMkVa TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 06:35:10Z
SpitfireMkVa TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 06:35:10Z
WellingtonMkIc t TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 07:06:36Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 07:06:41Z
WellingtonMkIc t TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 07:34:26Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 07:34:30Z
WellingtonMkIc t TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 07:34:37Z
WellingtonMkIc t TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 07:34:37Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
Bf-110C-4 JG-666 Stef 2021-07-01 03:54:06Z
Ju-88A-5 JG-666 Stef 2021-07-01 03:55:25Z

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 09:08:08 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (11 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth

Red Objectives complete (130 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area

Red stands at +5,255 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 09:36:08 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 36.4 total Kill Points; 0.6/0.0/0.0/35.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 426 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (16 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade

Red stands at +5,259 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 10:04:08 GMT

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 39.3 total Kill Points; 3.6/0.0/0.0/35.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 426 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (19 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade

Red stands at +5,254 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 10:32:09 GMT

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 39.3 total Kill Points; 3.6/0.0/0.0/35.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 426 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (19 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade

Red stands at +5,254 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 11:00:09 GMT

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 39.3 total Kill Points; 3.6/0.0/0.0/35.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 426 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (19 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade

Red stands at +5,254 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 11:28:09 GMT

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 39.3 total Kill Points; 3.6/0.0/0.0/35.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 426 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (19 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade

Red stands at +5,254 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 11:56:09 GMT

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 39.3 total Kill Points; 3.6/0.0/0.0/35.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 426 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (19 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade

Red stands at +5,253 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 12:24:09 GMT

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 39.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/0.0/0.0/35.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 426 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (19 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade

Red stands at +5,252 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 12:52:09 GMT

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 77.5 total Kill Points; 3.8/0.0/0.0/73.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 852 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (19 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ

Red Objectives complete (141 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel

Red stands at +5,262 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 13:20:09 GMT

BLUE session totals: 35.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/35.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 77.6 total Kill Points; 3.9/0.0/0.0/73.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 852 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (27 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton

Red Objectives complete (141 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel

Red stands at +5,252 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 13:48:10 GMT

BLUE session totals: 35.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/35.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 77.6 total Kill Points; 3.9/0.0/0.0/73.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 852 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (27 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton

Red Objectives complete (141 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel

Red stands at +5,252 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 14:16:10 GMT

BLUE session totals: 35.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/35.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 78.6 total Kill Points; 4.9/0.0/0.0/73.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 852 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (27 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton

Red Objectives complete (141 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel

Red stands at +5,252 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 14:44:10 GMT

BLUE session totals: 35.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/35.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 81.6 total Kill Points; 7.9/0.0/0.0/73.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 852 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (27 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton

Red Objectives complete (141 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel

Red stands at +5,252 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 15:12:11 GMT

BLUE session totals: 35.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/35.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 81.6 total Kill Points; 7.9/0.0/0.0/73.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 852 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (27 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton

Red Objectives complete (141 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel

Red stands at +5,252 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 15:40:11 GMT

BLUE session totals: 35.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/35.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 81.6 total Kill Points; 7.9/0.0/0.0/73.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 852 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (27 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton

Red Objectives complete (141 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel

Red stands at +5,252 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 16:08:12 GMT

BLUE session totals: 50.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 81.6 total Kill Points; 7.9/0.0/0.0/73.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 852 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (27 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton

Red Objectives complete (141 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel

Red stands at +5,252 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 16:36:12 GMT

BLUE session totals: 50.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 81.6 total Kill Points; 7.9/0.0/0.0/73.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 852 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (33 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth

Red Objectives complete (141 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel

Red stands at +5,244 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 17:04:12 GMT

BLUE session totals: 50.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 97.6 total Kill Points; 7.9/0.0/0.0/89.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
26 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 852 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (33 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth

Red Objectives complete (141 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel

Red stands at +5,246 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 17:32:13 GMT

BLUE session totals: 82.5 total Kill Points; 0.3/0.0/0.0/82.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 192 kg on targets
RED session totals: 98.2 total Kill Points; 8.5/0.0/0.0/89.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
26 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 852 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (36 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft

Red Objectives complete (141 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel

Red stands at +5,239 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 18:00:14 GMT

BLUE session totals: 85.7 total Kill Points; 0.3/0.0/0.0/85.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
8 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 384 kg on targets
RED session totals: 114.3 total Kill Points; 8.5/0.0/0.0/105.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
28 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 1,278 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (36 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft

Red Objectives complete (147 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel - Boulogne Ethanol - E-boat Factory Boulogne

Red stands at +5,246 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 18:28:14 GMT

BLUE session totals: 115.8 total Kill Points; 2.3/1.0/0.0/112.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
9 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 632 kg on targets
RED session totals: 115.4 total Kill Points; 9.6/0.0/0.0/105.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
28 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 1,278 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (39 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel

Red Objectives complete (147 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel - Boulogne Ethanol - E-boat Factory Boulogne

Red stands at +5,239 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

FINAL TEAM TOTALS for mission ending at Thu, 01 Jul 2021 18:34:19 GMT

BLUE session totals: 115.8 total Kill Points; 2.3/1.0/0.0/112.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
9 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 632 kg on targets
RED session totals: 116.1 total Kill Points; 10.3/0.0/0.0/105.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
28 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 1,278 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (39 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel

Red Objectives complete (147 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel - Boulogne Ethanol - E-boat Factory Boulogne

Red stands at +5,239 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
R 00 01 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 i400
R 00 01 000.16 00 00.16/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_Spardog
R 00 00 000.59 00 00.59/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_Padre
R 00 00 001.69 00 01.69/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_Pascoal
R 00 00 003.50 00 03.50/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_Fyl_maboots
R 00 00 004.00 00 04.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_Anonymous
R 00 00 005.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/05.00 ATAG_Snarglepuss
R 00 00 005.32 00 00.32/00.00/00.00/05.00 TWC_hogdecker
B 00 00 018.13 00 00.00/01.00/00.00/17.13 248kg Csabi
B 00 00 027.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/27.50 VCAF_Kendy
R 00 01 028.27 00 00.05/00.00/00.00/28.22 426kg TWC_Flug
B 00 00 037.71 00 02.29/00.00/00.00/35.42 384kg Ranger 01
00 02 045.11 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/45.11 1,411kg TWC_Mean Mr Mustard

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Flug 2021-07-01 09:05:38Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Flug 2021-07-01 09:05:49Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Flug 2021-07-01 09:05:52Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Flug 2021-07-01 09:08:41Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Flug 2021-07-01 09:08:58Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Flug 2021-07-01 09:18:53Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Flug 2021-07-01 09:18:57Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Fyl_maboots 2021-07-01 09:23:58Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-07-01 11:11:38Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-07-01 11:19:10Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-07-01 11:51:11Z
WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_hogdecker 2021-07-01 11:53:09Z
SpitfireMkVbLate TWC_Anonymous 2021-07-01 11:59:46Z
SpitfireMkVa TWC_hogdecker 2021-07-01 12:14:00Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 12:21:10Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Padre 2021-07-01 16:28:20Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 16:33:25Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 16:33:28Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 16:33:28Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 16:33:31Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 16:33:31Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 16:33:33Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 16:33:33Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Padre 2021-07-01 17:04:42Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 17:08:45Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 17:10:01Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 17:10:01Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 17:10:05Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 17:26:33Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
Bf-109E-1B Csabi 2021-07-01 17:57:44Z

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 19:01:30 GMT

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (39 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel

Red Objectives complete (147 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel - Boulogne Ethanol - E-boat Factory Boulogne

Red stands at +5,239 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 19:29:31 GMT

BLUE session totals: 9.4 total Kill Points; 9.4/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (44 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel - Redhill Bomber Base

Red Objectives complete (147 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel - Boulogne Ethanol - E-boat Factory Boulogne

Red stands at +5,235 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 19:57:31 GMT

BLUE session totals: 14.6 total Kill Points; 14.6/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (44 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel - Redhill Bomber Base

Red Objectives complete (147 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel - Boulogne Ethanol - E-boat Factory Boulogne

Red stands at +5,235 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 20:25:31 GMT

BLUE session totals: 26.8 total Kill Points; 24.8/0.0/0.0/2.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 19.1 total Kill Points; 4.9/0.0/0.0/14.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 426 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (44 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel - Redhill Bomber Base

Red Objectives complete (147 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel - Boulogne Ethanol - E-boat Factory Boulogne

Red stands at +5,237 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 20:53:31 GMT

BLUE session totals: 34.1 total Kill Points; 32.1/0.0/0.0/2.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 24.5 total Kill Points; 10.2/0.0/0.0/14.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 426 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (51 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel - Redhill Bomber Base - Queensborough Radio communications center - Littlestone Bombers

Red Objectives complete (147 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel - Boulogne Ethanol - E-boat Factory Boulogne

Red stands at +5,228 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 21:21:31 GMT

BLUE session totals: 36.6 total Kill Points; 34.6/0.0/0.0/2.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 26.5 total Kill Points; 12.2/0.0/0.0/14.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 426 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (51 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel - Redhill Bomber Base - Queensborough Radio communications center - Littlestone Bombers

Red Objectives complete (147 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel - Boulogne Ethanol - E-boat Factory Boulogne

Red stands at +5,228 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM TOTALS for TEAM VICTORY at Thu, 01 Jul 2021 21:35:50 GMT

BLUE session totals: 38.5 total Kill Points; 36.5/0.0/0.0/2.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 41.5 total Kill Points; 12.2/0.0/0.0/29.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 426 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (52 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel - Redhill Bomber Base - Queensborough Radio communications center - Littlestone Bombers

Red Objectives complete (153 points): - Wissant Airfield - Audembert Airfield - Calais Gunpowder Facility - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais Optical Research Facility - Calais Military Manufacturing Area - Calais Chemical Storage - Calais Jackboot Storage - Oye Plauge Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar AMBETEUSE - Boulogne West Military Manufacturing Area - Boulogne LOX - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site - Local Radar Wimereux - Boulogne_Alprech Airfield - Radar BOULOGNE - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - General Staff Motorcade - Calais Gestapo Headquarters - Calais Main Fuel - Boulogne Ethanol - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Estree Secret Facility

Red stands at +5,407 for the entire 113 Days campaign.


RED players who contributed to this historic victory by scouting high priority areas identified by HQ:
- Coquelles Freya Radar: TWC_Penguin, TWC_Mean Mr Mustard, ATAG_Snarglepuss
- Radar AMBETEUSE: TWC_Penguin
- Radar BOULOGNE: TWC_Fyl_maboots
- Local Radar Wimereux: ATAG_Snarglepuss
- Calais Main Fuel:
- Boulogne LOX: ATAG_Snarglepuss
- Boulogne Ethanol:
- Calais Optical Research Facility:
- Calais Chemical Storage:
- Calais Gestapo Headquarters: ATAG_Snarglepuss
- Calais Gunpowder Facility:
- E-boat Factory Boulogne: ATAG_Snarglepuss
- Estree Secret Facility: ATAG_Bubba
- Calais UBoot Repair: ATAG_Snarglepuss
- Calais Jackboot Storage:
- Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage:
- Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area: TWC_hogdecker, ATAG_Snarglepuss, TWC_Fyl_maboots, TWC_Mean Mr Mustard
- Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area: TWC_Fyl_maboots
- Etaples Landing Craft Assembly Site: ATAG_Bubba
- Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area: ATAG_Snarglepuss, TWC_Fyl_maboots
- General Staff Motorcade: TWC_Flug
- Audembert Airfield: TWC_Fyl_maboots, ATAG_Snarglepuss
- Boulogne_Alprech Airfield: TWC_Fyl_maboots
- Oye Plauge Airfield: TWC_Mean Mr Mustard
- Wissant Airfield: TWC_Fyl_maboots, ATAG_Snarglepuss

7 players contributed to scouting objectives that contributed to this victory.

RED players who contributed to this historic victory by assisting in the destruction of the objectives identified by HQ:
- E-boat Factory Boulogne: ATAG_Snarglepuss
- Estree Secret Facility: ATAG_Bubba, TWC_Birdtail
- Audembert Airfield: TWC_Fyl_maboots, TWC_Anonymous, ATAG_Snarglepuss, TWC_Mean Mr Mustard
- Boulogne_Alprech Airfield: TWC_Fyl_maboots
- Oye Plauge Airfield: TWC_Mean Mr Mustard
- Wissant Airfield: TWC_Fyl_maboots, ATAG_Snarglepuss, TWC_Anonymous

6 players contributed to destroying objectives that contributed to this victory.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
B 00 01 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 HOG CRANKIN HOSS
B 00 00 000.00 12 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 [MKHL]Hiuuz
R 00 00 001.56 00 01.56/00.00/00.00/00.00 locowil
B 00 01 002.12 00 02.12/00.00/00.00/00.00 YR-DAN
R 00 00 002.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/02.50 ATAG_Bubba
B 00 00 003.24 00 03.24/00.00/00.00/00.00 MDC
B 00 00 004.72 00 04.72/00.00/00.00/00.00 9./JG52 Hackl
B 00 00 006.39 10 06.39/00.00/00.00/00.00 MiikkY
B 00 01 006.47 00 04.47/00.00/00.00/02.00 Csabi
B 00 00 006.94 00 06.94/00.00/00.00/00.00 9./JG52 Meyer
B 00 01 008.65 00 08.65/00.00/00.00/00.00 9./JG52 J-HAT
R 00 01 010.63 00 10.63/00.00/00.00/00.00 ATAG_Jackmaxx
R 01 01 019.27 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/19.27 426kg TWC_Birdtail

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late TWC_Mean Mr Mustard 2021-07-01 18:50:31Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-07-01 19:27:18Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-07-01 19:42:40Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-07-01 19:42:40Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-07-01 19:42:45Z
KittyhawkMkIA ATAG_Jackmaxx 2021-07-01 20:15:00Z
SpitfireMkVb-HF ATAG_Jackmaxx 2021-07-01 20:35:45Z
MartletMkIII ATAG_Jackmaxx 2021-07-01 20:56:39Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-07-01 21:02:51Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-07-01 21:02:51Z
BeaufighterMkIC TWC_Birdtail 2021-07-01 21:02:55Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
Bf-109E-1 [MKHL]Hiuuz 2021-07-01 18:55:20Z
Bf-109F-2 Csabi 2021-07-01 19:19:04Z
Bf-109F-4 YR-DAN 2021-07-01 19:38:00Z
Bf-109F-2 Csabi 2021-07-01 19:42:32Z
Bf-109F-4 YR-DAN 2021-07-01 19:43:22Z
Ju-87B-2 [MKHL]Hiuuz 2021-07-01 20:13:05Z
Bf-109E-4N Late [MKHL]Hiuuz 2021-07-01 20:13:28Z
Bf-109E-3 HOG CRANKIN HOSS 2021-07-01 21:19:05Z

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 22:01:31 GMT

BLUE session totals: 41.9 total Kill Points; 39.9/0.0/0.0/2.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 69.4 total Kill Points; 14.7/0.0/0.0/54.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 639 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (52 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel - Redhill Bomber Base - Queensborough Radio communications center - Littlestone Bombers

Red Objectives complete (4 points): - Estree Fuel Depot

Red stands at +5,363 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 22:29:32 GMT

BLUE session totals: 59.8 total Kill Points; 47.8/0.0/0.0/12.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 71.2 total Kill Points; 16.4/0.0/0.0/54.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 639 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (60 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel - Redhill Bomber Base - Queensborough Radio communications center - Littlestone Bombers

Red Objectives complete (4 points): - Estree Fuel Depot

Red stands at +5,353 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 22:57:32 GMT

BLUE session totals: 65.7 total Kill Points; 53.7/0.0/0.0/12.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 75.2 total Kill Points; 20.4/0.0/0.0/54.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 639 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (60 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel - Redhill Bomber Base - Queensborough Radio communications center - Littlestone Bombers

Red Objectives complete (4 points): - Estree Fuel Depot

Red stands at +5,352 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 23:25:32 GMT

BLUE session totals: 79.4 total Kill Points; 67.4/0.0/0.0/12.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 77.7 total Kill Points; 22.9/0.0/0.0/54.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 639 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (60 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel - Redhill Bomber Base - Queensborough Radio communications center - Littlestone Bombers

Red Objectives complete (4 points): - Estree Fuel Depot

Red stands at +5,352 for the entire 113 Days campaign.

TEAM Totals for Thu, 01 Jul 2021 23:53:33 GMT

BLUE session totals: 112.6 total Kill Points; 75.7/0.0/0.0/36.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
22 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 77.7 total Kill Points; 22.9/0.0/0.0/54.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
4 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 639 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (67 points): - Bexhill Local Radar - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Wood Alcohol Fuel Storage Portsmouth - Boiler Repair Shop Portsmouth - Dover Royal Navy HQ - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - 87 Octane Fuel Storage @ Beckton - Propeller Repair Portsmouth - Manston aircraft - Dover Royal Navy Operations Fuel - Redhill Bomber Base - Queensborough Radio communications center - Littlestone Bombers - Wooleston Spitfire Shop

Red Objectives complete (4 points): - Estree Fuel Depot

Red stands at +5,341 for the entire 113 Days campaign.