TWC Son of Khan Campaign Server (English Channel) TEAM Stats

For Tue, 24 Dec 2024 GMT - scroll to end for most recent stats

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TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0924 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:13:17 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/10.0/0.0/10.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (127 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage

Red Objectives complete (132 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M

Red stands at +31,146 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0952 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:41:17 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/10.0/0.0/10.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 1.5 total Kill Points; 1.5/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (127 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage

Red Objectives complete (132 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M

Red stands at +31,146 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1020 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 01:09:17 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/10.0/0.0/10.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 80.1 total Kill Points; 6.6/0.0/0.0/73.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
8 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 140 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (127 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M

Red stands at +31,157 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0958 hours Red destroyed Estree Fuel Depot
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey
Pilots who scouted this objective: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey
On 3 October 1940, 1012 hours Red destroyed Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1048 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 01:37:18 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/10.0/0.0/10.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 93.0 total Kill Points; 19.5/0.0/0.0/73.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
8 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 140 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (127 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M

Red stands at +31,158 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1116 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 02:05:18 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/10.0/0.0/10.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 120.3 total Kill Points; 25.5/0.0/0.0/94.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
26 bombs dropped, 69.2% hit targets, 1,183 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (127 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M

Red stands at +31,161 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1144 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 02:33:18 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/10.0/0.0/10.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 134.7 total Kill Points; 31.3/0.0/0.0/103.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
34 bombs dropped, 73.5% hit targets, 1,913 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (127 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M

Red stands at +31,161 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1212 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 03:01:18 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/10.0/0.0/10.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 148.7 total Kill Points; 33.6/0.0/0.0/115.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
44 bombs dropped, 79.5% hit targets, 2,956 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (127 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage

Red Objectives complete (135 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M

Red stands at +31,162 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1240 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 03:29:18 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/10.0/0.0/10.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 233.7 total Kill Points; 38.5/3.0/0.0/192.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
48 bombs dropped, 81.3% hit targets, 3,591 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (137 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk

Red Objectives complete (136 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M

Red stands at +31,161 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 1213 hours Blue destroyed Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas
On 3 October 1940, 1221 hours Blue destroyed Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area
On 3 October 1940, 1221 hours Blue destroyed Rüstungslager Dunkirk

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 1215 hours Red destroyed Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey, dog, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen
Pilots who scouted this objective: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey, dog (2X), Volant_Eagle (3X)

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1308 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 03:57:18 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/10.0/0.0/10.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 314.7 total Kill Points; 39.5/3.0/0.0/272.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
50 bombs dropped, 78.0% hit targets, 3,591 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (137 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk

Red Objectives complete (144 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559

Red stands at +31,176 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 1256 hours Red destroyed Landing_Ground_5234
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza
On 3 October 1940, 1301 hours Red destroyed Landing_Ground_7559
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1336 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 04:25:18 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/10.0/0.0/10.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 485.6 total Kill Points; 40.4/3.0/0.0/442.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
50 bombs dropped, 78.0% hit targets, 3,591 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (137 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk

Red Objectives complete (160 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963

Red stands at +31,209 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 1314 hours Red destroyed Landing_Ground_2280
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza
On 3 October 1940, 1320 hours Red destroyed Landing_Ground_6558
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza
On 3 October 1940, 1323 hours Red destroyed Landing_Ground_5130
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza
On 3 October 1940, 1332 hours Red destroyed Landing_Ground_9963
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza, dogsbody235

FINAL TEAM TOTALS for mission ending at 3 October 1940, 1347 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 04:37:04 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 10.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/10.0/0.0/10.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 539.6 total Kill Points; 44.4/3.0/0.0/492.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
50 bombs dropped, 78.0% hit targets, 3,591 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (137 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,219 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
R 00 00 005.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/05.00 RS_Odyssey
B 00 00 005.00 00 00.00/05.00/00.00/05.00 Amarok
R 00 00 011.78 00 01.78/00.00/00.00/10.00 dogsbody235
R 00 00 014.66 00 14.66/00.00/00.00/00.00 Dawson
R 00 01 040.21 00 05.21/00.00/00.00/35.00 Dazza
R 00 01 042.25 00 02.10/00.00/00.00/40.15 TUSA_Nuwen
R 00 00 042.87 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/42.87 2,817kg dog
R 00 01 060.58 00 11.99/02.00/00.00/46.59 426kg Volant_Eagle
R 00 01 135.38 00 08.68/01.00/00.00/125.70 464kg AKA_Blasto

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
HurricaneMkIIc-Late Dawson 2024-12-24 00:47:30Z
KittyhawkMkIA AKA_Blasto 2024-12-24 01:01:29Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 01:30:00Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 02:03:12Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 02:06:48Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 02:06:48Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 02:06:51Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 02:06:51Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 02:06:54Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 02:06:54Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 02:06:57Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 02:06:57Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 02:07:01Z
WellingtonMkIc Late dog 2024-12-24 02:07:01Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late AKA_Blasto 2024-12-24 02:19:02Z
HurricaneMkIIc TUSA_Nuwen 2024-12-24 02:27:30Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late Volant_Eagle 2024-12-24 02:40:24Z
HurricaneMkIIb-Late Volant_Eagle 2024-12-24 03:25:08Z
KittyhawkMkIA Dazza 2024-12-24 03:30:52Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 00:35:07Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 00:37:21Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 00:52:08Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 00:58:12Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:02:57Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:03:10Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:04:26Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:08:16Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:09:51Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:13:00Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:15:46Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:15:55Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:19:39Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:20:04Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:22:12Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:23:43Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:23:59Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:24:30Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:24:52Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:25:23Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:25:57Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:27:11Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:48:03Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 01:59:16Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:00:07Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:01:12Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:01:33Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:05:03Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:05:52Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:10:27Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:18:56Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:20:25Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:27:21Z
Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:29:10Z
Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:33:39Z
Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:35:36Z
Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 02:37:05Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 03:04:04Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 03:07:36Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 03:10:02Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 03:10:12Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 03:10:44Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 03:38:53Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 04:23:19Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 04:27:34Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 04:32:24Z
Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 04:34:47Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 04:36:43Z

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 1338 hours Red destroyed Landing_Ground_9851
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza, dogsbody235

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0800 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 05:12:35 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (159 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,195 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0745 hours Blue destroyed Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy
Pilots who contributed: TWC_catto, Amarok
Pilots who scouted this objective: TWC_catto, Amarok
On 3 October 1940, 0745 hours Blue destroyed Radar Le Touquet
On 3 October 1940, 0747 hours Blue destroyed Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0828 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 05:40:35 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (159 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,195 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0856 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 06:08:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (169 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,185 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0847 hours Blue destroyed Poole North Navy Port Area

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0924 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 06:36:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (169 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,184 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0952 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 07:04:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (182 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,172 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0941 hours Blue destroyed Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks
On 3 October 1940, 0941 hours Blue destroyed Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks
On 3 October 1940, 0942 hours Blue destroyed Ditton Fuel Dump
On 3 October 1940, 0942 hours Blue destroyed Ditton Fuel Refinery

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1020 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 07:32:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (187 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,166 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0959 hours Blue destroyed Local Radar Dunkirk
On 3 October 1940, 1014 hours Blue destroyed Dover Radar AA #3

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1048 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 08:00:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (187 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,166 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1116 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 08:28:46 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (187 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,166 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1144 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 08:56:46 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (187 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,166 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1212 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 09:24:46 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (187 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,166 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1240 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 09:52:46 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (187 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,166 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1308 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 10:20:46 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (187 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,166 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1336 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 10:48:46 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (187 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,166 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

FINAL TEAM TOTALS for mission ending at 3 October 1940, 1347 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 11:00:14 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 15.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/15.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (187 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,166 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
R 00 01 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 miroku12
R 00 01 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 bluefox
B 00 00 002.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/02.50 Amarok
B 00 00 005.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/05.00 TWC_catto

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0800 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 11:25:22 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.4 total Kill Points; 0.4/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (187 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (164 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851

Red stands at +31,166 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM TOTALS for TEAM VICTORY at 3 October 1940, 0812 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 11:37:46 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 45.7 total Kill Points; 0.7/0.0/0.0/45.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (187 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (184 points): - Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Fliegerhorst Beisjean - Arras Rubber Factory - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy - Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Submarine - East Sussex Coast - Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters - Estree Fuel Depot - Desvres Aviation Fuel - Fliegerhorst Desvres - Le Havre Train Station - St. Omer Ball Bearing Factory - Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker - Kommandolager KL-NP-51 - Fliegerhorst Yvrench - Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747 - St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield - Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber - Fliegerhorst Samer - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Meteorology - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Flugbenzinlager 12M - Landing_Ground_5234 - Landing_Ground_7559 - Landing_Ground_2280 - Landing_Ground_6558 - Landing_Ground_5130 - Landing_Ground_9963 - Landing_Ground_9851 - Fliegerhorst Sempy - Fliegerhorst Estree

Red stands at +32,106 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.


RED players who contributed to this historic victory by scouting high priority areas identified by HQ:
- Submarine - East Sussex Coast: TWC_Dave, TUSA_Nuwen
- Estree Fuel Depot: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey, dog
- Estree Secret Facility: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey, dog
- Desvres Aviation Fuel: AKA_Blasto, Loose_Cannon, TWC_Dave
- Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey
- Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey, dog, Volant_Eagle
- Le Crotoy Forest Luftwaffe High Command Bunker: RS_Odyssey, TWC_Dave
- Oye Plage Secret Mobile Luftwaffe E-Stelle: Loose_Cannon, AKA_Blasto
- Kommandolager KL-NP-51: AKA_Blasto
- Funkkommunikationszentrum 2324-747: AKA_Blasto
- Flugbenzinlager 12M: AKA_Blasto, TWC_Dave
- Fliegerhorst Beisjean: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey
- Fliegerhorst Desvres: AKA_Blasto, Loose_Cannon, TWC_Dave
- Fliegerhorst Estree: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey, dog
- Fliegerhorst Ligescourt - 110s & Macchis: dog, RS_Odyssey
- Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber: HDK
- Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters: RS_Odyssey
- Fliegerhorst Yvrench: dog, RS_Odyssey
- Fliegerhorst Sempy: RS_Odyssey, TWC_Dave, dog
- Fliegerhorst Samer: AKA_Blasto, TWC_Dave

8 players contributed to scouting objectives that contributed to this victory.

RED players who contributed to this historic victory by assisting in the destruction of the objectives identified by HQ:
- Estree Fuel Depot: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey, dog
- Desvres Aviation Fuel: AKA_Blasto, Loose_Cannon, TWC_Dave
- Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey
- Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey, dog, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen
- Flugbenzinlager 12M: AKA_Blasto, TWC_Dave
- Landing_Ground_5234: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza
- Landing_Ground_7559: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza
- Landing_Ground_2280: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza
- Landing_Ground_6558: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza
- Landing_Ground_5130: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza
- Landing_Ground_9963: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza, dogsbody235
- Landing_Ground_9851: AKA_Blasto, Volant_Eagle, TUSA_Nuwen, Dazza, dogsbody235
- Fliegerhorst Desvres: AKA_Blasto, Loose_Cannon, TWC_Dave
- Fliegerhorst Estree: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey, dog, Volant_Eagle, Loose_Cannon
- St. Omar Claimarais Bombers Airfield: HDK
- Flugplatz Tramecourt Bomber: HDK
- Fliegerhorst Wailly Fighters: RS_Odyssey
- Fliegerhorst Yvrench: dog, RS_Odyssey
- Fliegerhorst Sempy: RS_Odyssey, TWC_Dave, dog
- Fliegerhorst Samer: AKA_Blasto, TWC_Dave

10 players contributed to destroying objectives that contributed to this victory.

RED players who contributed to this historic victory by helping to repair their military assets:
- RAF Gravesend: Sparrow (KL-M) (15 times)

1 players contributed to repairing objectives, contributing to this victory.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
R 00 00 002.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/02.50 dog
R 00 00 002.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/02.50 TWC_Dave
R 00 00 005.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/05.00 AKA_Blasto
R 00 00 005.65 00 00.65/00.00/00.00/05.00 Loose_Cannon
R 00 00 007.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/07.50 RS_Odyssey

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:36Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:36Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:36Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:40Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:40Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:40Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:45Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:45Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:45Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:49Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0840 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 12:05:22 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 60.9 total Kill Points; 0.9/0.0/0.0/60.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (191 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks

Red Objectives complete (14 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield

Red stands at +31,936 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0818 hours Blue destroyed Diesel Fuel London South Docks

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0809 hours Red destroyed Fliegerhorst Sempy
Pilots who contributed: RS_Odyssey, TWC_Dave, dog
Pilots who scouted this objective: RS_Odyssey, TWC_Dave, dog (2X)
On 3 October 1940, 0812 hours Red destroyed Fliegerhorst Estree
Pilots who contributed: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey, dog, Volant_Eagle, Loose_Cannon
Pilots who scouted this objective: AKA_Blasto, RS_Odyssey, dog (2X)
On 3 October 1940, 0812 hours Red destroyed Fliegerhorst Estree
Pilots who contributed: Loose_Cannon
On 3 October 1940, 0834 hours Red destroyed Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield
Pilots who contributed: Loose_Cannon

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0908 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 12:33:22 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 76.8 total Kill Points; 0.9/4.0/0.0/72.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
10 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 566 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (193 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112

Red Objectives complete (14 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield

Red stands at +31,934 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0843 hours Blue destroyed British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0906 hours Red destroyed Flugbenzinlager 45X
Pilots who contributed: Loose_Cannon

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0936 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 13:01:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 142.3 total Kill Points; 1.1/4.0/0.0/137.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
14 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 1,418 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (193 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112

Red Objectives complete (29 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T

Red stands at +31,957 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0921 hours Red destroyed Flugbenzinlager 21P
Pilots who contributed: Loose_Cannon
Pilots who scouted this objective: Loose_Cannon
On 3 October 1940, 0929 hours Red destroyed Flugbenzinlager 33T
Pilots who contributed: Loose_Cannon
Pilots who scouted this objective: Loose_Cannon

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1004 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 13:29:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 184.9 total Kill Points; 1.1/4.0/0.0/179.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
16 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 1,844 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (193 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112

Red Objectives complete (34 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J

Red stands at +31,966 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0942 hours Red destroyed Flugbenzinlager 3J
Pilots who contributed: Loose_Cannon

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1032 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 13:57:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.3 total Kill Points; 0.3/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 185.0 total Kill Points; 1.2/4.0/0.0/179.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
16 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 1,844 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (193 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112

Red Objectives complete (44 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield

Red stands at +31,976 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 1009 hours Red destroyed St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1100 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 14:25:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 46.4 total Kill Points; 6.4/0.0/0.0/40.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 185.0 total Kill Points; 1.2/4.0/0.0/179.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
16 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 1,844 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (195 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112

Red Objectives complete (44 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield

Red stands at +31,970 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 1049 hours Blue destroyed Local Radar Etaples
Pilots who contributed: PopeC0rn, Zed
On 3 October 1940, 1056 hours Blue destroyed Radar Le Touquet
Pilots who contributed: PopeC0rn, Zed

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1128 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 14:53:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 46.4 total Kill Points; 6.4/0.0/0.0/40.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 190.9 total Kill Points; 7.1/4.0/0.0/179.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
20 bombs dropped, 80.0% hit targets, 1,844 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (195 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112

Red Objectives complete (44 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield

Red stands at +31,970 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1156 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 15:21:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 56.4 total Kill Points; 6.4/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 243.8 total Kill Points; 7.1/4.0/0.0/232.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
30 bombs dropped, 76.7% hit targets, 2,240 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (199 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard

Red Objectives complete (52 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group

Red stands at +31,978 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 1142 hours Blue destroyed Calais Rail Yard
Pilots who contributed: Amarok
Pilots who scouted this objective: Amarok

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 1147 hours Red destroyed Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group
Pilots who contributed: Loose_Cannon

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1224 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 15:49:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 56.4 total Kill Points; 6.4/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 243.8 total Kill Points; 7.1/4.0/0.0/232.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
30 bombs dropped, 76.7% hit targets, 2,240 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (199 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard

Red Objectives complete (52 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group

Red stands at +31,978 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1252 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 16:17:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 56.4 total Kill Points; 6.4/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
1 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 301.5 total Kill Points; 8.2/4.0/0.0/289.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
32 bombs dropped, 78.1% hit targets, 2,666 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (199 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,989 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 1225 hours Red destroyed Flugbenzinlager 0I
Pilots who contributed: Loose_Cannon
Pilots who scouted this objective: Loose_Cannon

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1320 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 16:45:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 57.4 total Kill Points; 7.4/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
3 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 307.5 total Kill Points; 14.2/4.0/0.0/289.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
32 bombs dropped, 78.1% hit targets, 2,666 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (199 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,990 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1348 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 17:13:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 57.4 total Kill Points; 7.4/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
3 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 307.6 total Kill Points; 14.4/4.0/0.0/289.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
32 bombs dropped, 78.1% hit targets, 2,666 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (199 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,990 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1416 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 17:41:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 58.3 total Kill Points; 8.3/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
3 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 307.6 total Kill Points; 14.4/4.0/0.0/289.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
32 bombs dropped, 78.1% hit targets, 2,666 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (199 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,990 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1444 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 18:09:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 58.9 total Kill Points; 8.9/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
3 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 307.6 total Kill Points; 14.4/4.0/0.0/289.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
32 bombs dropped, 78.1% hit targets, 2,666 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (199 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,990 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1512 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 18:37:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 59.6 total Kill Points; 9.6/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
3 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 307.6 total Kill Points; 14.4/4.0/0.0/289.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
32 bombs dropped, 78.1% hit targets, 2,666 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (199 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,990 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1540 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 19:05:23 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 59.6 total Kill Points; 9.6/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
3 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 307.6 total Kill Points; 14.4/4.0/0.0/289.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
32 bombs dropped, 78.1% hit targets, 2,666 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (199 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,990 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

FINAL TEAM TOTALS for mission ending at 3 October 1940, 1607 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 19:32:33 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 59.6 total Kill Points; 9.6/0.0/0.0/50.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
3 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 307.6 total Kill Points; 14.4/4.0/0.0/289.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
32 bombs dropped, 78.1% hit targets, 2,666 kg on targets

Blue Objectives complete (199 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,990 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name
B 00 01 000.73 00 00.73/00.00/00.00/00.00 0kg Bluntman
R 00 00 002.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/02.50 TWC_Dave
R 00 00 002.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/02.50 dog
B 00 00 005.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/05.00 Amarok
R 00 00 005.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/05.00 AKA_Blasto
R 00 00 007.02 00 07.02/00.00/00.00/00.00 Dazza
R 00 00 007.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/07.50 RS_Odyssey
B 00 00 014.04 00 04.04/00.00/00.00/10.00 Zed
B 00 02 014.86 00 04.86/00.00/00.00/10.00 PopeC0rn
R 02 02 213.09 00 07.33/04.00/00.00/201.76 2,883kg Loose_Cannon

>>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
BlenheimMkIV Late Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:15:17Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:36Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:36Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:36Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:40Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:16:40Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:44:45Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 11:44:49Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 12:04:02Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 12:25:58Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 12:25:58Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 12:37:19Z
BlenheimMkIV Late Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 13:13:11Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 13:14:54Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 13:14:54Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 13:14:54Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 13:14:59Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 13:14:59Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 13:14:59Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 13:14:59Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 13:15:05Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 13:15:05Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:08:10Z
WalrusMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:08:47Z
BlenheimMkINF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:09:19Z
BlenheimMkINF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:12:23Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:15:35Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:17:20Z
WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:19:03Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 14:34:48Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 14:39:50Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 14:45:53Z
BlenheimMkIV Late Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 14:56:16Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 14:57:34Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 14:57:34Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 14:57:38Z
BlenheimMkIV Late Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 15:15:17Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 15:17:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 15:17:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 15:17:21Z
WellingtonMkIc Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 15:17:25Z
HurricaneMkIIc-Late Loose_Cannon 2024-12-24 15:40:45Z

>>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session
Macchi-C202-SeriesVII-AltoQuota Hun Hunter 2024-12-24 12:39:34Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 12:57:12Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:39:44Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:42:09Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:42:34Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:43:11Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:43:52Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 14:51:40Z
Bf-109F-4 PopeC0rn 2024-12-24 15:55:33Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 16:04:07Z
Bf-109F-4 PopeC0rn 2024-12-24 16:14:36Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 16:18:20Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 16:20:24Z
Bf-110C-4B Bluntman 2024-12-24 16:26:41Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 16:31:56Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 16:32:00Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 16:34:04Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 16:34:51Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 16:44:37Z
Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 16:45:13Z
Bf-110C-4B Bluntman 2024-12-24 16:48:42Z
He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2024-12-24 16:59:01Z

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0800 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 19:48:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (199 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,990 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0745 hours Blue destroyed Local Radar Calais

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0828 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:16:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 3.1 total Kill Points; 3.1/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (213 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,976 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

BLUE objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0814 hours Blue destroyed Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage
On 3 October 1940, 0819 hours Blue destroyed Sandwich Radar AA #2
On 3 October 1940, 0820 hours Blue destroyed Sandwich Radar AA #3

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0856 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:44:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
RED session totals: 9.6 total Kill Points; 9.6/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (213 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,975 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0924 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 21:12:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 11.7 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/11.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
22 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 9.6 total Kill Points; 9.6/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (213 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,974 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 0952 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 21:40:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 11.7 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/11.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
22 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 9.6 total Kill Points; 9.6/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (213 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (57 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I

Red stands at +31,974 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1020 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 22:08:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 11.7 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/11.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
22 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 9.6 total Kill Points; 9.6/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (213 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (65 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy

Red stands at +31,982 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

RED objectives destroyed:
On 3 October 1940, 0958 hours Red destroyed Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1048 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 22:36:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 11.7 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/11.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
22 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 11.6 total Kill Points; 11.6/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (213 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (65 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy

Red stands at +31,983 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1116 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 23:04:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 11.7 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/11.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
22 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 11.6 total Kill Points; 11.6/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (213 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (65 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy

Red stands at +31,982 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.

TEAM Totals for 3 October 1940, 1144 hours [Tue, 24 Dec 2024 23:32:36 GMT]

BLUE session totals: 11.7 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/11.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points
22 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets
RED session totals: 11.6 total Kill Points; 11.6/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points

Blue Objectives complete (213 points): - Eastchurch Local Radar - Oye Plage Freya Radar - Calais Torpedo Factory - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Jackboot Storage - Calais LOX - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Luftwaffe Signals School - Calais Munitions Research - Calais Nitroglycerin Storage - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Liquid Oxygen @ Beckton - Le Treport Fuel - Radar Querqueville - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Local Radar Etaples - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Radar Dieppe - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Boulogne Army HQ - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Reading Engine Workshop - Boulogne Benzin - Propeller Repair Boulogne - Local Radar Dunkirk - Marquise_West Airfield - Coquelles Freya Radar - Radar Somme River - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Calais UBoot Repair - Calais SS Headquarters - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Calais Freya Radar Repair & Maintenance Facility - Wehrmacht Wasserstoff-Speicherdepot Calais - Herderlot-Plage Freya Radar - Flugbenzinlager 36U - Samer Mobiles Armeelager - Local Radar Tripod - Ethanolfabrik Oye Plage - Dunkirk East Kriegsmarine Docks Area - British Attack Submarine - Local Radar Calais - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Bayeux Beach Freya Radar - Peroxide Storage @ Beckton - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Canterbury Local Radar - Boulogne Radar AA - Portsmouth Large Military Manufacturing Area NE - Portsmouth Hydrogen Storage - Faversham Long Range Military Communications Antennas - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Rüstungslager Dunkirk - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Radar Le Touquet - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Poole North Navy Port Area - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Hydrogen Storage @ London South Docks - Ditton Fuel Dump - Ditton Fuel Refinery - Dover Radar AA #3 - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2112 - Calais Rail Yard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3

Red Objectives complete (65 points): - Fliegerhorst Estree - Fighter Bomber Zutkerque Airfield - Flugbenzinlager 45X - Flugbenzinlager 21P - Flugbenzinlager 33T - Flugbenzinlager 3J - St. Omar Arques Zerstoerer Airfield - Calais-Dunkirk Gespensterdivision Mobile Panzer Group - Flugbenzinlager 0I - Veume-Dunkirk Shore Patrol Convoy

Red stands at +31,982 for the entire Son of Khan campaign.