For Tue, 21 Jan 2025 GMT - scroll to end for most recent stats
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TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1020 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 00:20:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 61.1 total Kill Points; 14.3/1.0/0.0/45.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 33.3% hit targets, 1,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (90 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks Red Objectives complete (199 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais Red stands at +103 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1048 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 00:48:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 61.1 total Kill Points; 14.3/1.0/0.0/45.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 33.3% hit targets, 1,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 17.5 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (90 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks Red Objectives complete (201 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais Red stands at +106 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. RED objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1028 hours Red destroyed Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area Pilots who contributed: OBT~Brunov, TWC_catto, ATAG_Marlow, Dawson Pilots who scouted this objective: OBT~Brunov, ATAG_Marlow, Dawson (2X) |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1116 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 01:16:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 71.5 total Kill Points; 14.3/1.0/0.0/56.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 14 bombs dropped, 42.9% hit targets, 2,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 17.5 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (90 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks Red Objectives complete (201 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais Red stands at +105 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1144 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 01:44:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 81.5 total Kill Points; 14.3/11.0/0.0/66.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 14 bombs dropped, 42.9% hit targets, 2,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 17.5 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (95 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 Red Objectives complete (201 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais Red stands at +99 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1127 hours Blue destroyed Dover Radar AA #3 Pilots who contributed: Fyl_maStiefel Pilots who scouted this objective: Fyl_maStiefel |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1212 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 02:12:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 81.5 total Kill Points; 14.3/11.0/0.0/66.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 14 bombs dropped, 42.9% hit targets, 2,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 17.8 total Kill Points; 0.3/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (95 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 Red Objectives complete (201 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais Red stands at +99 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1240 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 02:40:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 96.5 total Kill Points; 14.3/11.0/0.0/81.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 14 bombs dropped, 42.9% hit targets, 2,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 18.7 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (98 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel Red Objectives complete (201 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais Red stands at +96 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1225 hours Blue destroyed Dover Navy Docks Area Pilots who contributed: Amarok, Fyl_maStiefel Pilots who scouted this objective: Amarok, Fyl_maStiefel On 31 October 1940, 1225 hours Blue destroyed Dover Navy Operations Fuel Pilots who contributed: Amarok, Fyl_maStiefel Pilots who scouted this objective: Amarok, Fyl_maStiefel |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1308 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 03:08:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 96.5 total Kill Points; 14.3/11.0/0.0/81.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 14 bombs dropped, 42.9% hit targets, 2,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 18.7 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (100 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 Red Objectives complete (201 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais Red stands at +94 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1301 hours Blue destroyed British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1336 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 03:36:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 96.5 total Kill Points; 14.3/11.0/0.0/81.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 14 bombs dropped, 42.9% hit targets, 2,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 18.7 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (100 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 Red Objectives complete (201 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais Red stands at +94 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1404 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 04:04:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 96.5 total Kill Points; 14.3/11.0/0.0/81.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 14 bombs dropped, 42.9% hit targets, 2,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 18.7 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (100 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 Red Objectives complete (201 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais Red stands at +94 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1432 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 04:32:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 116.9 total Kill Points; 14.3/11.0/0.0/101.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 16 bombs dropped, 50.0% hit targets, 3,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 18.7 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (100 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 Red Objectives complete (201 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais Red stands at +92 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1500 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 05:00:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 116.9 total Kill Points; 14.3/11.0/0.0/101.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 16 bombs dropped, 50.0% hit targets, 3,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 18.7 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (100 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 Red Objectives complete (205 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +96 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. RED objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1455 hours Red destroyed Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1528 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 05:28:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 123.8 total Kill Points; 14.3/11.0/0.0/108.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 18 bombs dropped, 55.6% hit targets, 4,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 19.7 total Kill Points; 2.2/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (100 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 Red Objectives complete (205 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +95 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1556 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 05:56:27 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 123.8 total Kill Points; 14.3/11.0/0.0/108.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 18 bombs dropped, 55.6% hit targets, 4,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 20.7 total Kill Points; 3.2/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (100 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 Red Objectives complete (205 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +94 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
FINAL TEAM TOTALS for mission ending at 31 October 1940, 1607 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 06:07:11 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 123.8 total Kill Points; 14.3/11.0/0.0/108.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 18 bombs dropped, 55.6% hit targets, 4,496 kg on targets RED session totals: 20.7 total Kill Points; 3.2/0.0/0.0/17.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (100 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 Red Objectives complete (206 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +95 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name R 00 00 001.18 00 01.18/00.00/00.00/00.00 TWC_Meowzer R 00 00 001.25 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/01.25 Dawson R 00 00 002.00 00 02.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 Fitz R 00 00 002.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/02.50 ATAG_Marlow B 00 00 002.93 00 02.93/00.00/00.00/00.00 Roter-Loewe R 00 00 005.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/05.00 OBT~Brunov B 00 00 009.54 00 04.54/00.00/00.00/05.00 Amarok B 00 00 010.00 00 00.00/05.00/00.00/10.00 Fyl_maStiefel B 00 00 032.41 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/32.41 496kg Bluntman B 00 01 053.96 00 06.78/01.00/00.00/46.18 2,192kg Volant_Eagle >>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session WellingtonMkIc t (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:10:01Z WellingtonMkIc t (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:20:24Z WellingtonMkIc t (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:21:34Z WellingtonMkIc t (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:22:28Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:26:51Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:27:37Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:31:56Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:36:21Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:38:22Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:39:10Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:44:25Z WellingtonMkIc t (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:49:35Z WellingtonMkIc t (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 22:55:14Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-20 23:45:41Z SpitfireMkIIa TWC_Meowzer 2025-01-21 00:45:12Z HurricaneMkIIc-Late TWC_Meowzer 2025-01-21 01:57:20Z HurricaneMkIIb-Late Fitz 2025-01-21 05:20:06Z >>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session Ju-88A-5Late Volant_Eagle 2025-01-20 23:40:41Z G50 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 02:08:41Z He-111P-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 02:14:32Z He-111P-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 02:14:47Z Do-17Z-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 05:28:16Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 05:48:37Z RED objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1600 hours Red destroyed Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 0800 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 06:28:23 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (100 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 Red Objectives complete (206 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +106 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 0828 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 06:56:23 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 94.8 total Kill Points; 1.0/0.0/0.0/93.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (105 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 Red Objectives complete (206 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +92 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 0825 hours Blue destroyed Communications Bunker 1129-394 Pilots who contributed: Fyl_maStiefel, Loose_Cannon, Volant_Eagle Pilots who scouted this objective: Fyl_maStiefel, Loose_Cannon, Volant_Eagle (2X) |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 0856 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 07:24:23 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 95.7 total Kill Points; 1.9/0.0/0.0/93.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 4 bombs dropped, 50.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets RED session totals: 1.2 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (105 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 Red Objectives complete (206 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +92 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 0924 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 07:52:23 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 130.2 total Kill Points; 3.0/0.0/0.0/127.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 36 bombs dropped, 94.4% hit targets, 1,168 kg on targets RED session totals: 8.5 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (109 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield Red Objectives complete (206 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +85 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 0916 hours Blue destroyed Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield Pilots who contributed: Amarok, Fyl_maStiefel Pilots who scouted this objective: Amarok, Fyl_maStiefel Red pilots who repaired this objective: Sparrow (KL-M) (32 loads) |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 0952 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 08:20:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 197.7 total Kill Points; 3.0/0.0/0.0/194.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 78 bombs dropped, 97.4% hit targets, 1,168 kg on targets RED session totals: 8.5 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (119 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes Red Objectives complete (206 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +68 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 0943 hours Blue destroyed RAF Lympne Hurricanes Pilots who contributed: Amarok, Fyl_maStiefel, Volant_Eagle Pilots who scouted this objective: Amarok, Fyl_maStiefel, Volant_Eagle (2X) |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1020 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 08:48:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 264.6 total Kill Points; 3.0/0.0/0.0/261.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 8.5 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (129 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield Red Objectives complete (206 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +51 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1017 hours Blue destroyed Canterbury Blenheim Airfield Pilots who contributed: Amarok, Fyl_maStiefel, Volant_Eagle Pilots who scouted this objective: Amarok, Fyl_maStiefel, Volant_Eagle (2X) |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1048 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 09:16:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 265.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/0.0/0.0/261.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 8.5 total Kill Points; 1.2/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (129 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield Red Objectives complete (206 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +51 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1116 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 09:44:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 265.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/0.0/0.0/261.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 12.5 total Kill Points; 5.2/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (129 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield Red Objectives complete (206 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +53 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1144 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:12:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 266.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/1.0/0.0/261.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 15.2 total Kill Points; 7.9/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (129 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield Red Objectives complete (206 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training Red stands at +52 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1212 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:40:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 266.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/1.0/0.0/261.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 16.2 total Kill Points; 8.9/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (129 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +55 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. RED objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1209 hours Red destroyed Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1240 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 11:08:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 286.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/1.0/0.0/281.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 16.2 total Kill Points; 8.9/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (133 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +50 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1216 hours Blue destroyed High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton Pilots who contributed: Fyl_maStiefel Pilots who scouted this objective: Fyl_maStiefel On 31 October 1940, 1240 hours Blue destroyed Gravesend Local Radar Pilots who contributed: Fyl_maStiefel Pilots who scouted this objective: Fyl_maStiefel |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1308 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 11:36:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 286.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/1.0/0.0/281.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 16.2 total Kill Points; 8.9/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (135 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +47 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1336 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:04:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 286.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/1.0/0.0/281.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 16.2 total Kill Points; 8.9/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (135 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +47 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1404 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:32:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 286.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/1.0/0.0/281.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 16.2 total Kill Points; 8.9/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (135 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +47 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1432 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 13:00:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 286.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/1.0/0.0/281.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 19.2 total Kill Points; 11.9/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (135 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +47 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1500 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 13:28:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 301.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/1.0/0.0/296.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 23.9 total Kill Points; 16.7/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (136 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +45 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1434 hours Blue destroyed Dover Navy HQ Pilots who contributed: Fyl_maStiefel, Amarok Pilots who scouted this objective: Fyl_maStiefel, Amarok On 31 October 1940, 1434 hours Blue destroyed Dover Ammo Dump Pilots who contributed: Fyl_maStiefel, Amarok Pilots who scouted this objective: Fyl_maStiefel, Amarok |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1528 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 13:56:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 301.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/1.0/0.0/296.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 23.9 total Kill Points; 16.7/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (136 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +45 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1556 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 14:24:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 301.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/1.0/0.0/296.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 23.9 total Kill Points; 16.7/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (136 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +45 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
FINAL TEAM TOTALS for mission ending at 31 October 1940, 1607 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 14:35:23 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 301.4 total Kill Points; 3.7/1.0/0.0/296.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 142 bombs dropped, 92.3% hit targets, 5,183 kg on targets RED session totals: 23.9 total Kill Points; 16.7/0.0/0.0/7.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (136 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +45 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name R 00 01 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 Ghostrider B 00 00 001.73 00 00.73/01.00/00.00/00.00 MiikkY R 00 00 003.64 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/03.64 Sparrow (KL-M) B 00 00 007.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/07.50 Loose_Cannon R 00 00 007.76 00 07.76/00.00/00.00/00.00 RS_Odyssey R 00 00 008.89 00 08.89/00.00/00.00/00.00 Fitz B 00 00 015.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/15.00 Amarok B 00 00 042.36 00 01.98/00.00/00.00/40.38 4,076kg Volant_Eagle B 00 00 137.26 00 00.98/00.00/00.00/136.28 7,121kg Fyl_maStiefel >>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session BlenheimMkIVF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 06:49:28Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 07:20:11Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 07:25:42Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 07:29:10Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 09:04:17Z HurricaneMkIIb-Late Fitz 2025-01-21 09:22:17Z HurricaneMkIIb-Late Fitz 2025-01-21 09:45:26Z >>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session Bf-110C-7 Fyl_maStiefel 2025-01-21 06:23:48Z Bf-110C-7 Fyl_maStiefel 2025-01-21 06:30:14Z Bf-110C-7 Fyl_maStiefel 2025-01-21 06:30:17Z Bf-109F-4 Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 06:38:17Z Ju-87B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 07:05:57Z Ju-87B-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 07:06:26Z Ju-88A-1 Fyl_maStiefel 2025-01-21 07:32:10Z Do-215B-1 Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 07:46:57Z Do-215B-1 Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 07:47:02Z Do-215B-1 Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 07:47:02Z Do-215B-1 Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 07:47:02Z Ju-88A-1 Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 08:30:01Z Ju-88C-4Late MiikkY 2025-01-21 09:00:14Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 09:23:13Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 09:26:05Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 09:31:09Z Bf-109F-4 MiikkY 2025-01-21 09:39:18Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 09:41:34Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 09:48:01Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 09:53:46Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 09:54:43Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 09:58:31Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 10:25:40Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 12:49:01Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 12:55:58Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 12:58:04Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 13:00:46Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 13:10:43Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 13:14:24Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 13:19:06Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 13:20:20Z |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 0800 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 14:58:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (136 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +73 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 0828 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 15:26:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 8.2 total Kill Points; 2.0/1.0/0.0/5.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 2 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 496 kg on targets RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (136 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +73 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 0856 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 15:54:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 35.2 total Kill Points; 8.0/1.0/21.0/25.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 3 bombs dropped, 66.7% hit targets, 496 kg on targets RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (138 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +69 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 0843 hours Blue destroyed Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 Pilots who contributed: leon1, LLv44_Kippari |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 0924 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:22:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 38.4 total Kill Points; 8.0/1.0/21.0/28.4 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 6 bombs dropped, 100.0% hit targets, 688 kg on targets RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (138 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +70 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 0952 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:50:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 52.0 total Kill Points; 10.5/1.0/21.0/39.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 10 bombs dropped, 90.0% hit targets, 784 kg on targets RED session totals: 1.0 total Kill Points; 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (138 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 Red Objectives complete (209 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +69 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1020 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 17:18:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 53.3 total Kill Points; 10.5/1.0/21.0/40.8 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 13 bombs dropped, 76.9% hit targets, 832 kg on targets RED session totals: 56.0 total Kill Points; 3.5/0.0/0.0/52.5 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (138 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 Red Objectives complete (213 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +78 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. RED objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1000 hours Red destroyed Boulogne Flugbenzin Pilots who contributed: OBT~Brunov, ATAG_Marlow, Dawson Pilots who scouted this objective: OBT~Brunov, ATAG_Marlow, Dawson (2X) On 31 October 1940, 1000 hours Red destroyed Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area Pilots who contributed: OBT~Brunov, ATAG_Marlow, Dawson Pilots who scouted this objective: OBT~Brunov, ATAG_Marlow, Dawson (2X) On 31 October 1940, 1000 hours Red destroyed Boulogne Benzin Pilots who contributed: OBT~Brunov, ATAG_Marlow, TWC_Padre, Dawson Pilots who scouted this objective: OBT~Brunov, ATAG_Marlow, Dawson (2X) |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1048 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 17:46:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 74.5 total Kill Points; 10.5/1.0/21.0/61.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 18 bombs dropped, 77.8% hit targets, 1,024 kg on targets RED session totals: 57.1 total Kill Points; 3.5/0.0/0.0/53.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (138 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 Red Objectives complete (213 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +77 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1116 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 18:14:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 78.6 total Kill Points; 14.7/1.0/21.0/61.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 22 bombs dropped, 63.6% hit targets, 1,024 kg on targets RED session totals: 57.1 total Kill Points; 3.5/0.0/0.0/53.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (138 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 Red Objectives complete (213 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +77 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1144 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 18:42:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 79.6 total Kill Points; 15.7/1.0/21.0/61.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 22 bombs dropped, 63.6% hit targets, 1,024 kg on targets RED session totals: 59.6 total Kill Points; 6.0/0.0/0.0/53.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (138 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 Red Objectives complete (213 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +77 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1212 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 19:10:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 174.0 total Kill Points; 26.7/1.0/21.0/145.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 24 bombs dropped, 66.7% hit targets, 1,520 kg on targets RED session totals: 66.4 total Kill Points; 12.8/0.0/0.0/53.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (140 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 Red Objectives complete (213 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +66 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1205 hours Blue destroyed Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 Pilots who contributed: Fyl_maStiefel, Hiuuz, Amarok, Volant_Eagle, leon1, Bluntman Pilots who scouted this objective: Fyl_maStiefel, Hiuuz, Amarok (2X), Volant_Eagle (3X), leon1 (4X), Bluntman (5X) |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1240 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 19:38:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 181.1 total Kill Points; 33.8/1.0/21.0/145.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 26 bombs dropped, 61.5% hit targets, 1,520 kg on targets RED session totals: 78.3 total Kill Points; 24.7/0.0/0.0/53.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (140 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 Red Objectives complete (213 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage Red stands at +66 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1308 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 20:06:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 205.8 total Kill Points; 41.6/2.0/21.0/161.2 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 34 bombs dropped, 70.6% hit targets, 1,520 kg on targets RED session totals: 91.0 total Kill Points; 33.3/2.0/0.0/55.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (140 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 Red Objectives complete (217 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training Red stands at +69 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. RED objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1240 hours Red destroyed Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1336 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 20:34:54 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 209.0 total Kill Points; 44.7/2.0/21.0/161.3 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 66 bombs dropped, 36.4% hit targets, 1,520 kg on targets RED session totals: 96.0 total Kill Points; 38.4/2.0/0.0/55.6 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (140 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 Red Objectives complete (219 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training Red stands at +71 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. RED objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1327 hours Red destroyed Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1404 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 21:02:55 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 212.4 total Kill Points; 46.7/2.0/21.0/162.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 67 bombs dropped, 37.3% hit targets, 1,768 kg on targets RED session totals: 116.7 total Kill Points; 41.6/2.0/0.0/73.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (140 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 Red Objectives complete (219 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training Red stands at +73 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. RED objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1346 hours Red destroyed Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne Pilots who contributed: OBT~Brunov, ATAG_Marlow, Dawson Pilots who scouted this objective: OBT~Brunov, ATAG_Marlow, Dawson (2X) |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1432 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 21:30:55 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 213.4 total Kill Points; 47.7/2.0/21.0/162.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 67 bombs dropped, 37.3% hit targets, 1,768 kg on targets RED session totals: 121.7 total Kill Points; 46.6/2.0/0.0/73.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (147 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 - Reading Engine Workshop Red Objectives complete (219 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training Red stands at +67 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1426 hours Blue destroyed Reading Engine Workshop |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1500 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 21:58:55 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 231.4 total Kill Points; 55.7/2.0/21.0/172.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 67 bombs dropped, 37.3% hit targets, 1,768 kg on targets RED session totals: 123.9 total Kill Points; 48.8/2.0/0.0/73.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (149 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 - Reading Engine Workshop - Deal Local Radar Red Objectives complete (219 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training Red stands at +63 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. BLUE objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1442 hours Blue destroyed Deal Local Radar Pilots who contributed: leon1 Pilots who scouted this objective: leon1 |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1528 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 22:26:55 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 239.6 total Kill Points; 63.9/2.0/21.0/172.7 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 67 bombs dropped, 37.3% hit targets, 1,768 kg on targets RED session totals: 138.9 total Kill Points; 48.8/2.0/0.0/88.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (149 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 - Reading Engine Workshop - Deal Local Radar Red Objectives complete (221 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Local Radar Tripod Red stands at +65 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. RED objectives destroyed: On 31 October 1940, 1522 hours Red destroyed Local Radar Tripod Pilots who contributed: OBT~Brunov, Dawson Pilots who scouted this objective: OBT~Brunov, Dawson |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 1556 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 22:54:55 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 245.8 total Kill Points; 64.9/2.0/21.0/177.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 69 bombs dropped, 39.1% hit targets, 1,768 kg on targets RED session totals: 138.9 total Kill Points; 48.8/2.0/0.0/88.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (149 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 - Reading Engine Workshop - Deal Local Radar Red Objectives complete (221 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Local Radar Tripod Red stands at +65 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |
FINAL TEAM TOTALS for mission ending at 31 October 1940, 1607 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 23:05:41 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 245.8 total Kill Points; 64.9/2.0/21.0/177.9 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 69 bombs dropped, 39.1% hit targets, 1,768 kg on targets RED session totals: 138.9 total Kill Points; 48.8/2.0/0.0/88.1 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points 12 bombs dropped, 0.0% hit targets, 0 kg on targets Blue Objectives complete (149 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 - Reading Engine Workshop - Deal Local Radar Red Objectives complete (221 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Local Radar Tripod Red stands at +65 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. A DE PL TotalK RE Air/AA/Naval/Ground(/Penalty) (KgOnTarget) Name B 00 02 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 Oro52 B 00 02 000.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 Loose_Cannon R 00 00 000.15 00 00.15/00.00/00.00/00.00 ATAG_Jackmaxx R 00 00 001.05 00 01.05/00.00/00.00/00.00 johnmarechal R 00 00 001.16 00 01.11/00.00/00.00/00.05 0kg FatCat 00 02 002.00 00 02.00/00.00/00.00/00.00 ROVERE9 B 00 00 002.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/02.50 Fyl_maStiefel R 00 00 003.54 00 03.54/00.00/00.00/00.00 OBT~Sibiliev B 00 01 003.93 00 03.93/00.00/00.00/00.00 PopeC0rn R 00 00 004.29 00 04.29/00.00/00.00/00.00 RS_Odyssey R 00 00 004.70 00 00.70/02.00/00.00/02.00 MK B 00 00 005.95 00 05.95/00.00/00.00/00.00 0kg MiikkY B 00 02 006.00 00 01.00/00.00/05.00/05.00 LLv44_Kippari R 00 00 007.50 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/07.50 Dawson B 00 00 009.62 47 09.00/00.00/00.00/00.62 Amarok R 00 00 010.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/10.00 ATAG_Marlow R 00 00 013.43 00 13.43/00.00/00.00/00.00 ATAG_Trumps B 00 02 015.28 00 00.00/00.00/01.00/14.28 336kg LLv34 IGOR B 00 00 022.42 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/22.42 240kg Ranger 01 B 00 01 023.85 65 13.69/00.00/05.00/10.16 leon1 R 00 00 025.00 00 00.00/00.00/00.00/25.00 OBT~Brunov R 00 02 025.62 00 24.54/00.00/00.00/01.08 0kg TWC_catto B 00 00 025.87 00 20.20/00.00/00.00/05.67 196kg Volant_Eagle B 00 00 028.66 00 09.12/01.00/00.00/18.54 2,232kg Hiuuz B 00 00 077.33 00 00.00/01.00/00.00/76.33 992kg Bluntman >>>>Red Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 15:25:22Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 15:26:38Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 15:39:49Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 15:40:58Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 15:42:06Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 15:44:48Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 15:50:08Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 15:51:56Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 16:32:06Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 16:38:27Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 16:42:21Z WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_catto 2025-01-21 17:04:02Z WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_catto 2025-01-21 17:04:02Z WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_catto 2025-01-21 17:04:02Z WellingtonMkIc Late TWC_catto 2025-01-21 17:04:02Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:08:21Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:09:21Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:10:48Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:11:48Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:20:09Z SpitfireMkVbLate TWC_catto 2025-01-21 18:41:36Z BlenheimMkIVNF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:44:45Z BlenheimMkIVNF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:45:12Z BlenheimMkIVNF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:46:43Z BlenheimMkIVNF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:48:52Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:58:40Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:59:13Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:01:00Z SpitfireMkIIb johnmarechal 2025-01-21 19:07:29Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:07:55Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:08:27Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:10:05Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:10:50Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:11:08Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:13:26Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:14:38Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:15:25Z KittyhawkMkIA MK 2025-01-21 19:16:44Z SpitfireMkIa 100oct FatCat 2025-01-21 19:17:10Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:28:56Z SpitfireMkVbLate TWC_catto 2025-01-21 19:32:31Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:33:06Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:34:12Z BlenheimMkIVNF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:42:09Z BlenheimMkIVNF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:44:13Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:44:44Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:46:36Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:49:13Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:57:15Z SpitfireMkIIb johnmarechal 2025-01-21 19:58:14Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:03:42Z BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:06:30Z BlenheimMkIF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:07:28Z SpitfireMkIIb johnmarechal 2025-01-21 20:12:13Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:24:46Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:31:13Z SpitfireMkIIb johnmarechal 2025-01-21 20:31:43Z WellingtonMkIc (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:33:24Z BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:37:44Z BlenheimMkIVF (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:38:19Z SpitfireMkVb-HF-Late ATAG_Jackmaxx 2025-01-21 20:49:33Z SpitfireMkVbLate TWC_catto 2025-01-21 21:16:40Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:30:29Z BlenheimMkIV (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:31:18Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:36:48Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:38:28Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:40:55Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:43:38Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:45:41Z SpitfireMkVbLate TWC_catto 2025-01-21 21:49:39Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:50:28Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:56:42Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 22:01:23Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 22:04:20Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 22:04:35Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 22:05:51Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 22:08:58Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 22:09:53Z BlenheimMkI (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 22:11:23Z BlenheimMkIVF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 22:12:03Z BlenheimMkIVF Late (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 22:29:15Z >>>>Blue Aircraft Destroyed or Lost This Session Bf-109F-4 LLv44_Kippari 2025-01-21 15:22:56Z Bf-110C-4B Bluntman 2025-01-21 15:35:25Z Bf-109F-4 LLv44_Kippari 2025-01-21 15:47:38Z Bf-109F-4 leon1 2025-01-21 15:53:37Z Bf-109E-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 16:28:11Z Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 17:06:07Z Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 17:08:01Z Bf-110C-4 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 17:11:53Z Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:20:38Z Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:35:32Z Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:36:25Z Bf-110C-4B Bluntman 2025-01-21 18:44:30Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:45:24Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:57:11Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 18:59:58Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:00:13Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:01:37Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:02:00Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:09:35Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:14:22Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:15:34Z Bf-109F-4 Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 19:18:51Z Bf-109E-3 Oro52 2025-01-21 19:19:09Z Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:26:13Z Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:26:19Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:30:11Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:31:32Z Bf-109F-4 PopeC0rn 2025-01-21 19:33:28Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:33:53Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:36:48Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:37:31Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:37:49Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:37:51Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:38:52Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:39:46Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:41:24Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 19:43:55Z Bf-109E-4N ROVERE9 2025-01-21 19:53:01Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:02:20Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:03:07Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:04:36Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:04:52Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:05:51Z Ju-88A-5Late Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 20:06:12Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:06:37Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:10:35Z Ju-88A-1 Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 20:14:59Z Ju-88A-1 Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 20:14:59Z Ju-88A-1 Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 20:14:59Z Ju-88A-1 Volant_Eagle 2025-01-21 20:15:07Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:23:39Z Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:29:29Z Do-215B-1 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:36:37Z Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 20:56:19Z Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:02:10Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:10:34Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:20:28Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:21:00Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:21:12Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:22:54Z Bf-109E-3 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:39:52Z He-111H-2 (AI/No Pilot Listed) 2025-01-21 21:48:23Z |
TEAM Totals for 31 October 1940, 0800 hours [Tue, 21 Jan 2025 23:36:35 GMT] |
BLUE session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points RED session totals: 0.0 total Kill Points; 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 Air/AA/Naval/Ground Kill Points Blue Objectives complete (149 points): - Hastings Mobile Secret RAF Base - Sandwich Radar AA #2 - Sandwich Radar AA #3 - Flugbenzinlager 36U - RAF Manston Fighters - RAF Lyydd (provisional) - Deal Military Railyard - Sheerness Diesel Fuel Storage - Hawkinge Forward Airbase - Diesel Fuel London South Docks - Hastings Mobile Army Camp - Kent Large Mobile Armour - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AO56 - Dover Radar AA #1 - Broadstairs Train Station Military Complex - Littlestone Bomber Squadron Aircraft - Vehicle Departure Docks - Dungeness Radar AA #1 - Dungeness Radar - Littlestone Research Facility - Submarine - Belgian Coast - Deal-Sandwich Shore Patrol Convoy - Sandwich Radar AA #1 - Brighton Navy Docks Area - Navy Officers Motorcade - Staple Reserve Radar - Battle Commando Training Center Shoreham - Dungeness Radar AA #2 - Dungeness Radar AA #3 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AE16 - Ethanol Storage @ London South Docks - Dover Radar AA #3 - Dover Navy Docks Area - Dover Navy Operations Fuel - British Coastal Freighter B.C.F. 2073 - Communications Bunker 1129-394 - Ramsgate Spitfires Airfield - RAF Lympne Hurricanes - Canterbury Blenheim Airfield - High Octane Aircraft Fuel @ Beckton - Gravesend Local Radar - Dover Navy HQ - Dover Ammo Dump - Channel Transport Ship MVA-P211 - Temporary Aviation Fuel Dump #AJ36 - Reading Engine Workshop - Deal Local Radar Red Objectives complete (221 points): - Boulogne Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Boulogne West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Dunkirk Weapon Storage & Distribution - Dunkirk Radar Manufacture - Dunkirk Central-West Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Ethanol-Lagerung Boulogne - E-boat Factory Boulogne - Boulogne LOX - Boulogne Radar AA - French Coastal Patrol FCP-132 - Oye Plage Radar AA #2 - Calais Diesel Storage - Calais Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Calais Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Local Radar Marquise - Dunkirk Kriegsmarine Docks Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine LOX - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Cryptologic HQ - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Gear Oil Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Diesel Storage - Local Radar Dunkirk - Le Crotoy Marinefährprahm Manufacturing Area - Estree Secret Facility - Estree Amphibious Landing Training Center - Dunkirk Explosives Research - Coquelles Radar AA - Boulogne Synthetic Fuel - Boulogne Flugbenzin - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Officer Mess - Boulogne Army HQ - Motorpool near Grand-Fort Philippe - Boulogne Benzin - Calais Jackboot Storage - Kriegsmarine Research Facility Boulogne - Radio Jamming Transmitter Boulogne - Fuel Research Facility Boulogne - Dieppe Fuel - Waffen- und Rüstungslager Boulogne - Dunkirk Military Warehouse - Dunkirk Northeast Wehrmacht Manufacturing Area - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Main Facility - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Intelligence - Poix Nord Fuel Trucks - Calais-Wissant Shore Patrol Convoy - Le Havre Train Station - French Coastal Freighter F.C.F. 2112 - Marquise Flugbenzindeponie - Kriegsmarine Hauptdiesellager Calais - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Underwater Repair Training - Etaple Fuel Refinery/Storage - Le Havre Kriegsmarine Weapons Training - Local Radar Tripod Red stands at +73 for the entire Son of Khan campaign. |